4Management menu




For security reasons, we recommend you change the default root and administrator pass­words during initial configuration (see "Authentication >> Administrative Users" on page 233). A message informing you of this will continue to be displayed at the top of the page until the passwords are changed.


4.1Management >> System Settings



Management >> System Settings >> Host


Power supply 1/2


State of both power supply units


System temperature (°C)

An SNMP trap is triggered if the temperature exceeds or falls below the specified temperature range.


CPU temperature (°C)

(only mGuard Centerport (Innominate), FL MGUARD CENTERPORT, not with firmware 7.6.0)

An SNMP trap is triggered if the temperature exceeds or falls below the specified temperature range.


System use notifica­tion

Freely selectable text for a system use notification that is dis­played before logging on at the mGuard device (maximum 1024 characters). Is displayed for:

Login per SSH login

Login via the serial console

Login via the web interface (web UI).

The (repeated) display of the message can be disabled by the customer using a suitable SSH.

Default setting:

The usage of this mGuard security appliance is reserved to authorized staff only. Any intrusion and its attempt without per­mission is illegal and strictly prohibited.

System DNS Hostname

Hostname mode

You can assign a name to the mGuard using the Hostname mode and Hostname fields. This name is then displayed, for example, when logging in via SSH (see "Management >> Sys­tem Settings" on page 47, "Shell Access" on page 56). As­signing names simplifies the administration of multiple mGuard devices.

User defined (from field below)

(Default) The name entered in the Hostname field is the name used for the mGuard.

If the mGuard is running in Stealth mode, the “User defined” option must be selected under “Hostname mode”.

Provider defined (e.g., via DHCP)

If the selected network mode permits external setting of the host name, e.g., via DHCP, the name supplied by the provider is assigned to the mGuard.



If the “User defined” option is selected under Hostname mode, enter the name that should be assigned to the mGuard here.


Domain search path

This option makes it easier for the user to enter a domain name. If the user enters the domain name in an abbreviated form, the mGuard completes the entry by appending the do­main suffix that is defined here under “Domain search path”.

SNMP Information

System name

A name that can be freely assigned to the mGuard for admin­istration purposes, e.g., “Hermes”, “Pluto”. (Under SNMP: sysName)



A description of the installation location that can be freely as­signed, e.g., “Hall IV, Corridor 3”, “Control cabinet”. (Under SNMP: sysLocation)



The name of the contact person responsible for the mGuard, ideally including the phone number. (Under SNMP: sysCon­tact)


(Only mGuard Centerport (Innominate), FL MGUARD CENTERPORT)

The settings for using a keyboard can only be made for the mGuard Centerport (Innominate) and FL MGUARD CENTERPORT devices.


Keyboard assignment

Selection list for selecting the appropriate keyboard layout.

4.1.2Time and Date





Set the time and date correctly. Otherwise, certain time-dependent activities cannot be started by the mGuard (see "Time-controlled activities" on page 50).

Management >> System Settings >> Time and Date

Time and Date

You can set the mGuard system time manually and assign the appropriate time zone or synchronize the system time using the NTP server of your choice. The system time can also be set via GPS/GLONASS on TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G (see "Positioning System" on page 176)


Connected devices can use the mGuard as an NTP server.


State of the system time

Indicates whether the mGuard system time has ever been synchronized with a valid time during mGuard runtime.



Devices without built-in clock always start in “Not synchro­nized” mode. Devices with a built-in clock usually start in “Syn­chronized by hardware clock” mode.

The state of the clock only returns to “Not synchronized” if the firmware is reinstalled on the device or if the built-in clock has been disconnected from the power for too long.

Power supply of the built-in clock is ensured by the following components:

Capacitor (only TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS),

Battery (only mGuard Centerport (Innominate), FL MGUARD CENTERPORT, mGuard delta (Innominate))

Rechargeable battery (only FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD SMART2, FL MGUARD PCI(E)4000, FL MGUARD DELTA)

In the case of the FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, the re­chargeable battery lasts at least five days.


Time-controlled activities

Time-controlled pick-up of configuration from a configuration server:

This is the case when the Time schedule setting is selected under the Management >> Central Management, Configuration Pull menu item for the Pull schedule setting (see "Management >> Configuration Profiles" on page 93, "Configuration Pull" on page 113).

Interruption of the connection at a certain time using PPPoE network mode:

This is the case when Network Mode is set to PPPoE under the Network >> Inter­faces, General menu item, and Automatic Re-connect is set to Yes (see "PPPoE" on page 145).

Acceptance of certificates when the system time has not yet been synchro­nized:

This is the case when the Wait for synchronization of the system time setting is se­lected under the Authentication >> Certificates, Certificate Settings menu item for the Check the validity period of certificates and CRLs option (see Authentication >> Certificates and "Certificate Settings" on page 248).

CIFS integrity check:

The regular, automatic check of the network drives is only started when the mGuard has a valid time and date (see section below).


The system time can be set or synchronized by various events:

Synchronized by hardware clock: the mGuard has a built-in clock which has been synchronized with the current time at least once. The display shows whether the clock is synchronized. A synchronized built-in clock ensures that the mGuard has a synchronized system time even after a restart.

Synchronized manually: the administrator has defined the current time for the mGuard runtime by making a corresponding entry in the Set local time field.

Synchronized by file system time-stamp: the administrator has set the Time-stamp in filesystem setting to Yes, and has either transmitted the current system time to the mGuard via NTP (see below under NTP Servers) or has entered it under Set local time. The system time of the mGuard is then synchronized using the time stamp after a restart (even if it has no built-in clock). The time might be set exactly again afterwards via NTP.

Synchronized by Network Time Protocol NTP: the administrator has activated NTP time synchronization under NTP Servers, has entered the address of at least one NTP server, and the mGuard has established a connection with at least one of the specified NTP servers. If the network is working correctly, this occurs a few sec­onds after a restart. The display in the NTP State field may only change to “Synchro­nized” much later (see the explanation below under NTP State).

Synchronized by GPS/GLONASS data: TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G can set and synchronize the system time via the positioning system (GPS/GLONASS) (under "Network >> Mobile Network >> Positioning System" ).


Set local time

Here you can set the time for the mGuard, if no NTP server has been set up or the NTP server cannot be reached. You should also set the local system time if the "Network >> Mobile Net­work >> Positioning System"  menu item is set to “Yes” under the positioning system (under "Network >> Mobile Network >> Positioning System" ).

The date and time are specified in the format YYYY.MM.DD-HH:MM:SS:



Timezone in POSIX.1 notation

If a current local time (that differs from Greenwich Mean Time) is to be displayed as the current system time, you must enter the number of hours that your local time is ahead of or behind Greenwich Mean Time.

You can select your location from the drop-down list (daylight savings time is usually automatically taken into consideration).

Alternatively, you can set it manually as follows:

Example: in Berlin, the time is one hour ahead of GMT. There­fore, enter: CET-1.

In New York, the time is five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. Therefore, enter: CET+5.

The only important thing is the -1, -2 or +1, etc. value as only these values are evaluated – not the preceding letters. They can be “CET” or any other designation, such as “UTC”.

If you wish to display Central European Time (e.g., for Ger­many) and have it automatically switch to/from daylight sav­ings time, enter: CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3


Time-stamp in filesys­tem

If this function is activated, the mGuard writes the current sys­tem time to its memory every two hours.

If the mGuard is switched off and then on again, a time from this two-hour time slot is displayed, not a time on January 1, 2000.

NTP Servers

The mGuard can act as the NTP server for external computers (NTP = Network Time Pro­tocol). In this case, the computers should be configured so that the address of the mGuard is specified as the NTP server address.

By default, the NTP server of the mGuard can only be accessed via the internal interface (LAN interface). Access via all available interfaces can be enabled or restricted by means of firewall rules.

If the mGuard is operated in Stealth mode, the management IP address of the mGuard (if this is configured) must be used for the computers, or the IP address must be en­tered as the local address of the mGuard.

For the mGuard to act as the NTP server, it must obtain the current date and the current time from an NTP server (= time server). To do this, the address of at least one NTP server must be specified. This feature must also be activated.


Enable NTP time syn­chronization

If this function is activated, the mGuard obtains the date and time from one or more time server(s) and synchronizes itself with it or them.

Initial time synchronization can take up to 15 minutes. During this time, the mGuard continuously compares the time data of the external time server and that of its own time so that this can be adjusted as accurately as possible. Only then can the mGuard act as the NTP server for the computers connected to its LAN interface and provide them with the system time.

An initial time synchronization with the external time server is performed after every booting process, unless the mGuard has a built-in clock (for TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD PCI(E)4000, FL MGUARD DELTA, FL MGUARD GT/GT, and for FL MGUARD SMART2). After initial time synchronization, the mGuard regularly compares the system time with the time servers. Fine adjustment of the time is usually only made in the second range.


NTP State

Displays the current NTP status.

Shows whether the NTP server running on the mGuard has been synchronized with the configured NTP servers to a suffi­cient degree of accuracy.

If the system clock of the mGuard has never been synchro­nized prior to activation of NTP time synchronization, then synchronization can take up to 15 minutes. The NTP server still changes the mGuard system clock to the current time after a few seconds, as soon as it has successfully contacted one of the configured NTP servers. The system time of the mGuard is then regarded as synchronized. Fine adjustment of the time is usually only made in the second range.


NTP server

Enter one or more time servers from which the mGuard should obtain the current time. If several time servers are specified, the mGuard will automatically connect to all of them to deter­mine the current time.



The NTP server's request is, where possible, carried out via a VPN tunnel.

When the function is activated, communication with the server is always via an encrypted VPN tunnel if a suitable one is avail­able.


Allowed Networks for NTP access

(when “Enable NTP time synchroniza­tion” function is activated)

When the Enable NTP time synchronization function is activated, external devices can access the NTP server of the mGuard. By default, it can only be accessed via the internal interface (LAN interface).

The table lists the firewall rules that have been set up. These apply for incoming data packets of an NTP access attempt. If multiple firewall rules are defined, these are queried starting from the top of the list of entries until an appropriate rule is found. This rule is then applied. If the list of rules contains further subsequent rules that could also apply, these rules are ignored.


From IP

Enter the address of the computer or network from which ac­cess is permitted or forbidden in this field.

The following options are available:

An IP address.

To specify an address area, use CIDR format (see "CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)" on page 29). means all addresses.



Internal / External / External 2 / DMZ / VPN / GRE / Dial-in1

Specifies to which interface the rule should apply.

If no rules are set or if no rule applies, the following default set­tings apply:

NTP access is permitted via Internal.

Access via External, External 2, DMZ, VPN, Dial-in, and GRE is denied.

Specify the monitoring options according to your require­ments.




Accept means that the data packets may pass through.

Reject means that the data packets are sent back and the sender is informed of their rejection. (In Stealth mode, Reject has the same effect as Drop.)

Drop means that the data packets are not permitted to pass through. They are discarded, which means that the sender is not informed of their whereabouts.



Freely selectable comment for this rule.



For each individual firewall rule, you can specify whether the use of the rule:

Should be logged – activate Log function

Should not be logged – deactivate Log function (default)

1External 2 and Dial-in are only for devices with a serial interface (see "Network >> Interfaces" on page 131).

4.1.3Shell Access





The mGuard must not be simultaneously configured via web access, shell access or SN­MP. Simultaneous configuration via the different access methods might lead to unexpect­ed results.

Management >> System Settings >> Shell Access

Shell Access

You can configure the mGuard via the web interface or via the command line (shell). Ac­cess to the command line is via the serial interface or SSH.


When SSH remote access is activated, the mGuard can be configured from remote computers using the command line. SSH remote access is deactivated by default. It can be activated and restricted to selected networks.



Enable SSH remote access

Activate the function to enable SSH remote access.


The firewall rules for the available interfaces must be defined accordingly in order to specify differentiated access options on the mGuard (see "Allowed Networks" on page 60).


Enable SSH access as user root

Standard: enabled

If the function is activated, the user "root" can log onto the de­vice via SSH access.


Port for incoming SSH connections (remote administration only)

(Only if SSH remote access is activated)

Default: 22

If this port number is changed, the new port number only ap­plies for access via the External, External 2, DMZ, VPN, GRE, and Dial-in interface.


Port number 22 still applies for internal access.

The remote peer that implements remote access may have to specify the port number defined here during login.


If this mGuard can be accessed over the Internet via address and default port number 22 has been speci­fied for remote access, you may not need to enter this port number in the SSH client (e.g., PuTTY or OpenSSH) of the re­mote peer.

If a different port number has been set (e.g., 2222), this must be specified, e.g.: ssh -p 2222


Session timeout

Specifies after what period of inactivity (in hh:mm:ss) the ses­sion is automatically terminated, i.e., automatic logout. When set to 0 (default setting), the session is not terminated auto­matically.

The specified value is also valid for shell access via the serial interface instead of via the SSH protocol.

The effect of the “Session timeout” setting is temporarily sus­pended if the processing of a shell command exceeds the number of seconds set.

In contrast, the connection can also be aborted if it is no longer able to function correctly, see "Delay between requests for a sign of life" on page 59.


Delay between requests for a sign of life

Default: 120 seconds (00:02:00)

Values from 0 seconds to 1 hour can be set. Positive values in­dicate that the mGuard is sending a request to the peer within the encrypted SSH connection to find out whether it can still be accessed. This request is sent if no activity was detected from the peer for the specified number of seconds (e.g., due to net­work traffic within the encrypted connection).

The value 0 means that no requests for a sign of life are sent.

The value entered here relates to the functionality of the en­crypted SSH connection. As long as it is working properly, the SSH connection is not terminated by the mGuard as a result of this setting, even when the user does not perform any actions during this time.

As the number of simultaneously open sessions is limited (see "Maximum number of concurrent sessions per role" on page 60), it is important to terminate sessions that have ex­pired.

Therefore, the request for a sign of life is preset to 120 sec­onds for Version 7.4.0 or later. If a maximum of three requests for a sign of life are issued, this causes an expired session to be detected and removed after six minutes. In previous ver­sions, the preset was “0”.

If it is important not to generate additional traffic, you can ad­just the value. When “0” is set in combination with Concurrent Session Limits, subsequent access may be blocked if too many sessions are interrupted but not closed as a result of network errors.

The entry can be in seconds [ss], minutes and seconds [mm:ss] or hours, minutes, and seconds [hh:mm:ss].


Maximum number of missing signs of life

Specifies the maximum number of times a sign of life request to the peer may remain unanswered.

For example, if a sign of life request should be made every 15 seconds and this value is set to 3, the SSH connection is de­leted if a sign of life is still not detected after approximately 45 seconds.


Update SSH and HTTPS keys

Generate new 2048 bit keys

Keys that have been generated using an older firmware ver­sion might be weak and should be renewed.

Click on this button to generate a new key.

Note the fingerprints of the new keys generated.

Log in via HTTPS and compare the certificate information provided by the web browser.

Maximum number of con­current sessions per role

You can limit the number of users who may access the mGuard command line simultane­ously. The “root” user always has unrestricted access. The number of access instances for administrative user roles (admin, netadmin, audit, and mobile) can be limited individu­ally.

The netadmin and audit authorization levels relate to access rights with the mGuard device manager (FL MGUARD DM). The restriction does not affect existing sessions; it only affects newly established access instances.

Approximately 0.5 MB of memory are required for each session.



2 to 2147483647

At least two simultaneously permitted sessions are required for the “admin role to prevent it from having its access blocked.



0 to 2147483647

When “0” is set, no session is permitted. The “netadmin” user is not necessarily used.



0 to 2147483647

When “0” is set, no session is permitted. The “audit” user is not necessarily used.



0 to 2147483647

When “0” is set, no session is permitted. The “mobile” user is not necessarily used.

Allowed Networks

(Only active if Enable SSH remote ac­cess is activated)

SSH access to the mGuard command line can be restricted to selected interfaces and networks by means of firewall rules.

The rules apply for incoming data packets and can be configured for all interfaces de­pending on the license and device.


If multiple firewall rules are defined, these are queried starting from the top of the list of entries until an appropriate rule is found. This rule is then applied. If the list of rules con­tains further subsequent rules that could also apply, these rules are ignored.

The following options are available:




From IP

Enter the address of the computer or network from which ac­cess is permitted or forbidden in this field.

The following options are available:

IP address: means all addresses. To specify an ad­dress area, use CIDR format, see "CIDR (Classless Inter-Do­main Routing)" on page 29.



(This option varies depending on the device and licenses in­stalled.)

Internal / External / External 2 / DMZ / VPN / GRE / Dial-in

External 2 and Dial-in are only for devices with a serial inter­face, see "Network >> Interfaces" on page 131.

Specifies to which interface the rule should apply.

If no rules are set or if no rule applies, the following default set­tings apply: 

SSH access is permitted via Internal, VPN, DMZ, and Dial-in. Access via External, External 2, and GRE is denied.

Specify the access options according to your requirements.





Accept means that the data packets may pass through.

Reject means that the data packets are sent back and the sender is informed of their rejection. (In Stealth mode, Re­ject has the same effect as Drop.)

Drop means that the data packets are not permitted to pass through. They are discarded, which means that the sender is not informed of their whereabouts.



Freely selectable comment for this rule.



For each individual firewall rule, you can specify whether the use of the rule:

Should be logged – activate Log function

Should not be logged – deactivate Log function (default)

RADIUS authentication

(This menu item is not included in the scope of functions for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005 or FL MGUARD RS2000.)

Users can be authenticated via a RADIUS server when they log in. This also applies for users who want to access the mGuard via shell access using SSH or a serial console. The password is checked locally in the case of predefined users (root, admin, netadmin, audit, and mobile).




Use RADIUS authenti­cation for shell access

If set to No, the passwords of users who log in via shell access are checked via the local database on the mGuard.

Select Yes for users to be authenticated via a RADIUS server. This also applies for users who want to access the mGuard via shell access using SSH or a serial console. The password is only checked locally in the case of predefined users (root, ad­min, netadmin, audit, and mobile).

The netadmin and audit authorization levels relate to access rights with the mGuard device manager (FL MGUARD DM).

Under X.509 Authentication, if you set Enable X.509 certif­icates for SSH access to Yes, the X.509 authentication method can be used as an alternative. Which method is actu­ally used by the user depends on how the user uses the SSH client.


When setting up RADIUS authentication for the first time, se­lect Yes.


If you do intend to use the As only method for password au­thentication option when setting up RADIUS authentication, we recommend that you create a “Customized Default Profile” which resets the authentication method.

The predefined users (root, admin, netadmin, audit, and mo­bile) are then no longer able to log into the mGuard via SSH or serial console.

There is one exception: it it still possible to perform authenti­cation via an externally accessible serial console by correctly entering the local password for the root user name.

Management >> System Settings >> Shell Access

X.509 Authentication

(This menu item is not included in the scope of functions for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005 or FL MGUARD RS2000.)

X.509 certificates for SSH clients

The mGuard supports the authentication of SSH clients using X.509 certificates. It is suf­ficient to configure CA certificates that are required for the establishment and validity check of a certificate chain. This certificate chain must exist between the CA certificate on the mGuard and the X.509 certificate shown to the SSH client (see "Shell Access" on page 56).

If the validity period of the client certificate is checked by the mGuard (see "Certificate Set­tings" on page 248), new CA certificates must be configured on the mGuard at some point. This must take place before the SSH clients use their new client certificates.

If CRL checking is activated (under Authentication >> Certificates >> Certificate Settings), one URL (where the corresponding CRL is available) must be maintained for each CA certificate. The URL and CRL must be published before the mGuard uses the CA certifi­cates in order to confirm the validity of the certificates shown by the VPN partners.




Enable X.509 certifi­cates for SSH access

If the function is deactivated, then only conventional au­thentication methods (user name and password or private and public keys) are permitted, not the X.509 authentication method.

If the function is activated, then the X.509 authentication method can be used in addition to conventional authentication methods (as also used when the function is deactivated).

If the function is activated, the following must be specified:

How the mGuard authenticates itself to the SSH client ac­cording to X.509, see SSH server certificate (1)

How the mGuard authenticates the remote SSH client ac­cording to X.509, see SSH server certificate (2)


SSH server certificate (1)

Specifies how the mGuard identifies itself to the SSH cli­ent.

Select one of the machine certificates from the selection list or the None entry.


When None is selected, the SSH server of the mGuard does not authenticate itself to the SSH client via the X.509 certifi­cate. Instead, it uses a server key and thus behaves in the same way as older versions of the mGuard.

If one of the machine certificates is selected, this is also of­fered to the SSH client. The client can then decide whether to use the conventional authentication method or the method ac­cording to X.509.

The selection list contains the machine certificates that have been loaded on the mGuard under the Authentication >> Cer­tificates menu item (see Page 243).


SSH server certificate (2)

Specifies how the mGuard authenticates the SSH client

The following definition relates to how the mGuard verifies the authenticity of the SSH client.

The table below shows which certificates must be provided for the mGuard to authenticate the SSH client if the SSH client shows one of the following certificate types when a connection is established:

A certificate signed by a CA

A self-signed certificate

For additional information about the table, see Section "Authentication >> Certificates" .

Authentication for SSH

The peer shows the fol­lowing:

Certificate (specific to individ­ual), signed by CA

Certificate (specific to indi­vidual), self-signed

The mGuard authenti­cates the peer using:






All CA certificates that form the chain to the root CA certif­icate together with the certifi­cate shown by the peer

PLUS (if required)

Client certificates (remote certificates), if used as a filter

Client certificate (remote certificate)

According to this table, the certificates that must be provided are the ones the mGuard uses to authenticate the relevant SSH client.

The following instructions assume that the certificates have already been correctly installed on the mGuard (see "Authentication >> Certificates" ).




If the use of revocation lists (CRL checking) is activated under the "Authentication >> Cer­tificates" , Certificate Settings menu item, each certificate signed by a CA that is “shown” by SSH clients is checked for revocations.


Management >> System Settings >> Shell Access


Authentication by CA Certificate

This configuration is only necessary if the SSH client shows a certificate signed by a CA.

All CA certificates required by the mGuard to form the chain to the relevant root CA certificate with the certificates shown by the SSH client must be configured.

The selection list contains the CA certificates that have been loaded on the mGuard under the "Authentication >> Certifi­cates" menu item.



Access Permission by X.509 Subject

Enables a filter to be set in relation to the contents of the Sub­ject field in the certificate shown by the SSH client. It is then possible to restrict or enable access for SSH clients, which the mGuard would accept in principle based on certificate checks:

Restricted access to certain subjects (i.e., individuals) and/or to subjects that have certain attributes or

Access enabled for all subjects (see glossary under "Sub­ject, certificate" on page 449)



Access enabled for all subjects (i.e., individuals):

An * (asterisk) in the X.509 subject field can be used to specify that all subject entries in the certificate shown by the SSH client are permitted. It is then no longer necessary to identify or define the subject in the certificate.

Restricted access to certain subjects (i.e., individuals) or to subjects that have certain attributes:

In the certificate, the certificate owner is specified in the Subject field. The entry is com­prised of several attributes. These attributes are either expressed as an object identifier (e.g., or, more commonly, as an abbreviation with a corresponding value.

Example: CN=John Smith, O=Smith and Co., C=US

If certain subject attributes have very specific values for the acceptance of the SSH client by the mGuard, then these must be specified accordingly. The values of the other freely selectable attributes are entered using the * (asterisk) wildcard.

Example: CN=*, O=*, C=US (with or without spaces between attributes)

In this example, the attribute “C=US” must be entered in the certificate under “Subject”. It is only then that the mGuard would accept the certificate owner (subject) as a communi­cation partner. The other attributes in the certificates to be filtered can have any value.



Authorized for access as

All users / root / admin / netadmin / audit / mobile

Additional filter which specifies that the SSH client has to be authorized for a specific administration level in order to gain access.

When establishing a connection, the SSH client shows its cer­tificate and also specifies the system user for which the SSH session is to be opened (root, admin, netadmin, audit, mo­bile). Access is only granted if the entries match those defined here.

Access for all listed system users is possible when All users is set.



Authentication by Cli­ent Certificate

Configuration is required in the following cases:

SSH clients each show a self-signed certificate.

SSH clients each show a certificate signed by a CA. Filter­ing should take place: access is only granted to a user whose certificate copy is installed on the mGuard as the remote certificate and is provided to the mGuard in this ta­ble as the Client certificate.

This filter is not subordinate to the Subject filter. It resides on the same level and is allocated a logical OR function with the Subject filter.

The entry in this field defines which client certificate (remote certificate) the mGuard should adopt in order to authenticate the peer (SSH client).

The client certificate can be selected from the selection list. The selection list contains the client certificates that have been loaded on the mGuard under the "Authentication >> Cer­tificates" menu item.



Authorized for access as

All users / root / admin / netadmin / audit / mobile

Filter which specifies that the SSH client has to be authorized for a specific administration level in order to gain access.

When establishing a connection, the SSH client shows its cer­tificate and also specifies the system user for which the SSH session is to be opened (root, admin, netadmin, audit, mo­bile). Access is only granted if the entries match those defined here.

Access for all listed system users is possible when All users is set.





Management >> System Settings >> E-Mail


(Make sure that the e-mail settings for the mGuard are correctly configured)

You can configure the mGuard to send e-mails via an e-mail server. Should certain events occur, notifications in plain text or machine-readable format can be sent to recipients that can be freely selected.


Sender address of e-mail notifications

E-mail address which is displayed as the sender from mGuard.

Address of the e-mail server

Address of the e-mail server


Port number of the e-mail server

Port number of the e-mail server


Encryption mode for the e-mail server

No encryption / TLS encryption / TLS encryption with StartTLS

Encryption mode for the e-mail server


SMTP user name

User identifier (login)


SMTP password

Password for the e-mail server

E-Mail notifications

Any e-mail recipients can be linked to predefined events and a freely definable message. The list is processed from top to bottom.


E-Mail recipient

Specifies the e-mail address.



When the selected event occurs or the event is configured for the first time, the linked recipient address is selected and the event is sent to them as an e-mail.

An e-mail message can also be stored and sent. Some of the events listed depend on the hardware used.

A complete list of all events can be found under "Event table" on page 69.



A configured VPN connection can be selected here, which is monitored via e-mail.


E-Mail subject

Text appears in the subject line of the e-mail

The text is freely definable. You can use blocks from the event table which can be inserted as placeholders in plain text (\A and \V) or in machine-readable format (\a and \v). Time stamps in the form of a placeholder (\T or \t (machine read­able)) can also be inserted.


E-Mail message

Here you can enter the text that is sent as an e-mail.

The text is freely definable. You can use blocks from the event table which can be inserted as placeholders in plain text (\A and \V) or in machine-readable format (\a and \v). Time stamps in the form of a placeholder can also be inserted in plain text (\T) or machine-readable format (\t).

Time stamp

Table 4-1: Time stamp examples

Plain text \T

Machine readable \t (according to RFC-3339)

Monday, April 22, 2016 13:22:36


Event table

Table 4-2: Event table

Plain text

Machine readable

\A = event

\V = value

\a = event

\v = value

State of the ECS

Not present





Present and in sync


Not in sync


Generic error


Connectivity check result of the internal interface

Connectivity check succeeded



Connectivity check failed


Connectivity check result of the external interface

Connectivity check succeeded



Connectivity check failed


Validity of the positional data

Positioning data not valid



Positioning data valid


Telephone number and message of an incoming text message




Roaming state of the mo­bile network engine

Registered to home network



Registered to foreign network


Not registered


Registration state to the mobile network

Not registered to mobile network



Registered to mobile network


Currently selected SIM slot

Using SIM 1



Using SIM 2


SIM interface disabled


Mobile network fallback SIM activity

Normal operation (primary SIM)



Fallback mode (secondary SIM)


Mobile network probes

Network probes are disabled



Network probes are enabled


Network probes failed


Network probes succeeded


State of the alarm output

Alarm output closed / high [OK]



Alarm output is open / low [FAILURE]


Reason for activating the alarm output

No alarm



No network link on external interface


No network link on internal interface


Power supply 1 out of order


Power supply 2 out of order


Board temperature exceeding configured bounds


Redundancy connectivity check failed


The internal modem is offline


No network link on LAN2


No network link on LAN3


No network link on LAN1


No network link on LAN4


No network link on LAN5


No network link on DMZ


State of the power supply 1

Power supply 1 working



Power supply 1 out of order


State of the power supply 2

Power supply 2 working



Power supply 2 out of order


State of the input/CMD 1

Service input/CMD1 activated



Service input/CMD1 deactivated


State of the input/CMD 2

Service input/CMD2 activated



Service input/CMD2 deactivated


State of the input/CMD 3

Service input/CMD3 activated



Service input/CMD3 deactivated


Board temperature

Temperature OK



Temperature too hot


Temperature too cold


Temporary state of the secondary external inter­face

On standby



Temporarily up


Mobile network connec­tion status

State of the modem

Not connected







Initialized waiting


Status of redundancy

The redundancy controller starts up



No sufficient connectivity


No sufficient connectivity and waiting for a component


Synchronizing with active device


Synchronizing with active device and waiting for a component


On standby


On standby and waiting for a component


Becoming active


Actively forwarding network traffic


Actively forwarding network traffic and waiting for a component


Going on standby


IPsec VPN connection preparation state






IPsec SA state of the VPN connection

No IPsec SAs established



Not all IPsec SAs established


All IPsec SAs established


Activation state of a fire­wall rule record

The state of the firewall rule sets has changed




OpenVPN connection ac­tivation state






OpenVPN connection state







4.2Management >> Web Settings



Management >> Web Settings >> General



If Automatic is selected in the list of languages, the device uses the language setting of the computer's web browser.


Session timeout

Specifies the period of inactivity after which the user will be au­tomatically logged out of the mGuard web interface. Possible values: 15 to 86400 seconds (= 24 hours)

The entry can be in seconds [ss], minutes and seconds [mm:ss] or hours, minutes, and seconds [hh:mm:ss].






The mGuard must not be simultaneously configured via web access, shell access or SN­MP. Simultaneous configuration via the different access methods might lead to unexpect­ed results.

Management >> Web Settings >> Access

HTTPS Web Access

When HTTPS remote access is activated, the mGuard can be configured from remote computers via its web interface. Access is via a web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Goo­gle Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer).


HTTPS remote access is deactivated by default. Once activated it can be restricted to selected interfaces and networks.



Enable HTTPS remote access

Activate the function to enable HTTPS remote access.


The firewall rules for the available interfaces must be defined accordingly in order to specify differentiated access options on the mGuard (see "Allowed Networks" on page 76).

In addition, the authentication rules under User authentica­tion must be set, if necessary.


Remote HTTPS TCP port

Default: 443

If this port number is changed, the new port number only ap­plies for access via the External, External 2, DMZ, VPN, GRE, and Dial-in interface. Port number 443 still applies for internal access.


The remote peer that implements remote access may have to specify the port number defined here after the IP address when entering the address.

Example: if this mGuard can be accessed over the Internet via address and port number 443 has been specified for remote access, you do not need to enter this port number after the address in the web browser of the remote peer.

If a different port number is used, it should be entered after the IP address, e.g.:


Update SSH and HTTPS keys

Generate new 2048 bit keys

Keys that have been generated using an older firmware ver­sion might be weak and should be renewed.

Click on this button to generate a new key.

Note the fingerprints of the new keys generated.

Log in via HTTPS and compare the certificate information provided by the web browser.

Allowed Networks

(Only active if Enable HTTPS remote access is activated)

HTTPS access to the mGuard can be restricted to selected interfaces and networks by means of firewall rules.


If multiple firewall rules are defined, these are queried starting from the top of the list of entries until an appropriate rule is found. This rule is then applied. If the list of rules con­tains further subsequent rules that could also apply, these rules are ignored.

The following options are available:




From IP

Enter the address of the computer or network from which ac­cess is permitted or forbidden in this field.

IP address: means all addresses. To specify an ad­dress area, use CIDR format – see "CIDR (Classless Inter-Do­main Routing)" on page 29.



(This option varies depending on the device and licenses in­stalled.)

Internal / External / External 2 / DMZ / VPN / GRE / Dial-in1

Specifies to which interface the rule should apply.

If no rules are set or if no rule applies, the following default settings apply:

HTTPS access is permitted via Internal, DMZ, VPN, and Dial-in. Access via External, External 2, and GRE is denied.

Specify the access options according to your requirements.




Accept means that the data packets may pass through.

Reject means that the data packets are sent back and the sender is informed of their rejection. (In Stealth mode, Re­ject has the same effect as Drop.)

Drop means that the data packets are not permitted to pass through. They are discarded, which means that the sender is not informed of their whereabouts.



Freely selectable comment for this rule.



For each individual firewall rule, you can specify whether the use of the rule:

Should be logged – activate Log function

Should not be logged – deactivate Log function (default)

RADIUS authentication

(This menu item is not included in the scope of functions for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005 or FL MGUARD RS2000.)

Users can be authenticated via a RADIUS server when they log in. The password is only checked locally in the case of predefined users (root, admin, netadmin, audit, mobile, and user).




Enable RADIUS authentication

If the function is activated, the passwords of users who log in via HTTPS are checked via the local database.

The User authentication method can only be set to Login restricted to X.509 client certificate if No is selected.

Select Yes for users to be authenticated via the RADIUS server. The password is only checked locally in the case of predefined users (root, admin, netadmin, audit, mobile, and user).


The netadmin and audit authorization levels relate to access rights with the mGuard device manager (FL MGUARD DM).


When setting up RADIUS authentication for the first time, se­lect Yes.

If you do intend to use the As only method for password au­thentication option when setting up RADIUS authentication, we recommend that you create a “Customized Default Profile” which resets the authentication method.

If you have selected RADIUS authentication as the only method for checking the password, it may no longer be possi­ble to access the mGuard. For example, this may be the case if you set up the wrong RADIUS server or convert the mGuard. The predefined users (root, admin, netadmin, audit, mobile, and user) are then no longer accepted.

1External 2 and Dial-in are only for devices with a serial interface (see "Network >> Interfaces" on page 131).

Management >> Web Settings >> Access

User Authentication

(This menu item is not included in the scope of functions for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005 or FL MGUARD RS2000.)

You can specify whether the mGuard user authenticates their login with a password, an X.509 user certificate or a combination of the two.



Specifies how the local mGuard authenticates the re­mote peer


User authentication method

Login with password

Specifies that the remote mGuard user must use a password to log into the mGuard. The password is specified under the Authentication >> Administrative Users menu (see Page 233). The option of RADIUS authentication is also available (see Page 240).


Depending on which user identifier is used to log in (user or administrator password), the user has the appropriate rights to operate and/or configure the mGuard accordingly.

Login with X.509 client certificate or password

User authentication is by means of login with a password (see above) or

The user’s web browser authenticates itself using an X.509 certificate and a corresponding private key. Additional details must be specified below.

The use of either method depends on the web browser of the remote user. The second option is used when the web browser provides the mGuard with a certificate.



Login restricted to X.509 client certificate

The user's web browser must use an X.509 certificate and the corresponding private key to authenticate itself. Additional de­tails must be specified here.


If the following User authentication methods are defined:

Login restricted to X.509 client certificate

Login with X.509 client certificate or password

You must then specify how the mGuard authenticates the remote user according to X.509.

The table below shows which certificates must be provided for the mGuard to authenticate the user (access via HTTPS) if the user or their web browser shows one of the following cer­tificate types when a connection is established:

A certificate signed by a CA

A self-signed certificate

For additional information about the table, see "Authentication >> Certificates" on page 243.

X.509 authentication for HTTPS

The peer shows the fol­lowing:

Certificate (specific to individ­ual), signed by CA1

Certificate (specific to indi­vidual), self-signed

The mGuard authenti­cates the peer using:






All CA certificates that form the chain to the root CA certif­icate together with the certifi­cate shown by the peer

PLUS (if required)

Client certificates (remote certificates), if used as a filter

Client certificate (remote certificate)

1The peer can additionally provide sub-CA certificates. In this case, the mGuard can form the set union for creating the chain from the CA certificates provided and the self-configured CA certificates. The corre­sponding root certificate must always be available on the mGuard.

According to this table, the certificates that must be provided are the ones the mGuard uses to authenticate a remote user (access via HTTPS) or their web browser.

The following instructions assume that the certificates have already been correctly installed on the mGuard (see "Authentication >> Certificates" on page 243).




If the use of revocation lists (CRL checking) is activated under the Authentication >> Cer­tificates, Certificate Settings menu item, each certificate signed by a CA that is “shown” by the HTTPS clients must be checked for revocations.


Management >> Web Settings >> Access


Authentication by CA Certificate

This configuration is only necessary if the user (access via HTTPS) shows a certificate signed by a CA.


All CA certificates required by the mGuard to form the chain to the relevant root CA certificate with the certificates shown by the user must be configured.

If the web browser of the remote user also provides CA certif­icates that contribute to forming the chain, then it is not neces­sary for these CA certificates to be installed on the mGuard and referenced at this point.

However, the corresponding root CA certificate must be in­stalled on the mGuard and made available (referenced) at all times.



Access Permission by X.509 Subject

Enables a filter to be set in relation to the contents of the Sub­ject field in the certificate shown by the web browser/HTTPS client.

It is then possible to restrict or enable access for the web browser/HTTPS client, which the mGuard would accept in principle based on certificate checks:

Restricted access to certain subjects (i.e., individuals) and/or to subjects that have certain attributes or

Access enabled for all subjects (see glossary under "Sub­ject, certificate" on page 449)




Access enabled for all subjects (i.e., individuals):

An * (asterisk) in the X.509 subject field can be used to specify that all subject entries in the certificate shown by the web browser/HTTPS client are permitted. It is then no longer nec­essary to identify or define the subject in the certificate.



Restricted access to certain subjects (i.e., individuals) and/or to subjects that have certain attributes:

In the certificate, the certificate owner is specified in the Sub­ject field. The entry is comprised of several attributes. These attributes are either expressed as an object identifier (e.g., or, more commonly, as an abbreviation with a corresponding value.

Example: CN=John Smith, O=Smith and Co., C=US

If certain subject attributes have very specific values for the acceptance of the web browser by the mGuard, then these must be specified accordingly. The values of the other freely selectable attributes are entered using the * (asterisk) wild­card.

Example: CN=*, O=*, C=US (with or without spaces between attributes)

In this example, the attribute “C=US” must be entered in the certificate under “Subject”. It is only then that the mGuard would accept the certificate owner (subject) as a communica­tion partner. The other attributes in the certificates to be fil­tered can have any value.


With HTTPS, the web browser of the accessing user does not specify which user or administrator rights it is using to log in. These access rights are assigned by setting filters here (under “Authorized for access as”).

This has the following result: if there are several filters that “let through” a certain user, then the first filter applies.



The user is assigned the access rights as defined by this filter. This could differ from the access rights assigned to the user in the subsequent filters.



Authorized for access as

root / admin / netadmin / audit / user / mobile

Specifies which user or administrator rights are granted to the remote user.

For a description of the root, admin, mobile, and user authori­zation levels, see "Authentication >> Administrative Users" on page 233.

The netadmin and audit authorization levels relate to access rights with the mGuard device manager (FL MGUARD DM).


Authentication by Cli­ent Certificate

Configuration is required in the following cases:

Remote users each show a self-signed certificate.

Remote users each show a certificate signed by a CA. Fil­tering should take place: access is only granted to a user whose certificate copy is installed on the mGuard as the remote certificate and is provided to the mGuard in this ta­ble as the Client certificate.

If used, this filter has priority over the Subject filter in the table above.

The entry in this field defines which remote certificate the mGuard should adopt in order to authenticate the peer (web browser of the remote user).

The client certificate can be selected from the selection list.

The selection list contains the client certificates that have been loaded on the mGuard under the "Authentication >> Cer­tificates" menu item.



Authorized for access as

root / admin / netadmin / audit / user / mobile

Specifies which user or administrator rights are granted to the remote user.

For a description of the root, admin, mobile, and user authori­zation levels, see "Authentication >> Administrative Users" on page 233.

The netadmin and audit authorization levels relate to access rights with the mGuard device manager (FL MGUARD DM).

4.3Management >> Licensing

You can obtain additional optional licenses from your supplier.




With mGuard Version 5.0 or later, licenses remain installed even after the firmware is flashed.

However, licenses are still deleted when devices with older firmware versions are flashed to Version 5.0.0 or later. Before flashing, the license for using the new update must then first be obtained so that the required license file is available for the flashing process.

This applies to major release upgrades, e.g., from Version 4.x.y to Version 5.x.y to Version 6.x.y.

Management >> Licensing >> Overview

Basic settings

Feature License

Shows which functions are included with the installed mGuard licenses (e.g., the number of possible VPN tunnels or whether remote logging is supported).






A VPN 1000 and VPN 3000 license can only be installed on the mGuard Centerport (Innominate) and FL MGUARD CENTERPORT.


More functions can be added later to the mGuard license you have obtained.

You will find a voucher serial number and a voucher key in the voucher included with the mGuard. The voucher can also be obtained separately. They can be used to request the re­quired feature license file, which you can install once you receive it.

Management >> Licensing >> Install

Automatic License Installa­tion

Online license request

Enter the serial number printed on the voucher and the corre­sponding voucher key, then click on the “Online license re­quest” button.

The mGuard now establishes a connection via the Internet and installs the corresponding license on the mGuard if the voucher is valid.


Online license reload

This option can be used if the licenses installed on the mGuard have been deleted. Click on the “Online license reload” but­ton.

The licenses that were previously issued for this mGuard are then retrieved from the server via the Internet and installed.

Manual License Installation

Order license

After clicking on the “Edit license request form” button, an online form is displayed, which can be used to order the de­sired license. Enter the following information in the form:

Voucher Serial Number: the serial number printed on your voucher

Voucher Key: the voucher key on your voucher

Flash Id: this is entered automatically

Serialnumber: this is entered automatically

After sending the form, the license file is made available for download and can be installed on the mGuard (see "Install li­cense file" ).


Install license file

To install a license, first save the license file as a separate file on your computer, then proceed as follows:

Click on the “No file selected” button.

Select the desired license file (*.lic).

Click on the “Install license file” button.

4.3.3Terms of License

Lists the licenses of the external software used on the mGuard. The software is usually open-source software.




4.4Management >> Update




Whether or not an mGuard device can be updated to the current firmware version or an­other depends on its hardware architecture, the installed firmware version, and the in­stalled licenses.

Update information can be found in the Release Notes for the relevant firmware version and the Application Note Update and flash FL/TC MGUARD devices (available in the PHOENIX CONTACT Web Shop or at help.mguard.com).




An update to mGuard firmware version 8.7.x is only possible from firmware ver­sion 8.6.1 or later.

An update to mGuard firmware version 8.6.1 is possible from all firmware versions starting with 7.6.0.




Devices with mobile network engine and installed mGuard firmware <= 8.3.x get the mGuard firmware update and the firmware update for the mobile network engine in two automatic, consecutive steps. This update can therefore take several minutes (in­dicated by the LED running light in the area of the mobile phone unit). 





NOTE: The mobile network engine may be damaged if the update process is inter­rupted.

Do not switch the device off or interrupt the power supply to the device during the update process.

A running light for the three LEDs (signal strength) next to the antenna connections of the device indicates that an update is in progress.



Management >> Update >> Overview

Version information

Lists information about the firmware version of the mGuard.



The current software version of the mGuard.



The software version that was originally used to flash this mGuard.



List of updates that have been installed on the base.

Package Versions

Lists the individual software modules of the mGuard. This information may be needed if support is required.



Firmware updates with firewall redundancy enabled

Updates of Version 7.3.1 or later can be performed while an mGuard redundancy pair is connected and operating.

This does not apply to the following devices:





mGuard delta (Innominate)

These devices must be updated successively while the relevant redundant device is dis­connected.

If firewall redundancy is activated, the two mGuard devices of a redundancy pair can be up­dated at the same time. mGuard devices that form a pair automatically decide which mGuard is to perform the update first while the other mGuard remains active. If the active mGuard is unable to boot within 25 minutes of receiving the update command (because the other mGuard has not yet taken over), it aborts the update and continues to run using the existing firmware version.

Updating the firmware

There are two options for performing a firmware update:

1.You have the current package set file on your computer (the file name ends with “.tar.gz”) and you perform a local update.

2.The mGuard downloads a firmware update of your choice from the update server via the Internet and installs it





NOTE: Do not interrupt the power supply to the mGuard during the update process. Oth­erwise, the device could be damaged and may have to be reactivated by the manufactur­er.




Depending on the size of the update, the process may take several minutes.




A message is displayed if a restart is required after completion of the update.



Management >> Update

Local Update

Install packages

To install the packages, proceed as follows:

Click on the ic_folder_open_black_48dp_2x.png No file selected icon, select the file and open it.

The file name of the update file depends on the device platform and the currently installed firmware version (see also Application Note Update FL_TC MGUARD devices – AH EN MGUARD UPDATE).

Example: update-8.{0-5}-8.6.1.default.mpc83xx.tar.gz

Then click on the Install packages button.


Online Update

Install package set

To perform an online update, proceed as follows:

Make sure that there is at least one valid entry under Up­date Servers. You should have received the necessary details from your licensor.

Enter the name of the package set.

The name of the package set depends on the currently in­stalled firmware version (see also Application Note Up­date FL_TC MGUARD devices – AH EN MGUARD UP­DATE).

Example: update-8.{0-5}-8.6.1.default

Then click on the Install package set button.

Automatic Update

This is a version of the online update where the mGuard independently determines the re­quired package set.



Install latest patches

Patch releases resolve errors in previous versions and have a version number which only changes in the third digit position. Version 8.0.1 is a patch release for Version 8.0.0.


Install latest minor release

Minor and major releases supplement the mGuard with new properties or contain changes that affect the behavior of the mGuard.

Their version number changes in the first or second digit posi­tion. Version 8.1.0 is a minor release for Version 8.0.1.


Install next major ver­sion

Version 8.6.0 is a major release for Version 7.6.8.

Update Servers

Specify from which servers an update may be performed.


The following options are available:



The update can be performed via HTTPS, HTTP, FTP or TFTP.



Host name or IP address of the server that provides the up­date files.



The update server's request is, where possible, carried out via a VPN tunnel.

When the function is activated, communication with the server is always via an encrypted VPN tunnel if a suitable one is avail­able.




Login for the server.



Password for login.

4.5Management >> Configuration Profiles

4.5.1Configuration Profiles


You can save the settings of the mGuard as a configuration profile under any name on the mGuard. It is possible to create multiple configuration profiles. You can then switch between different profiles as required, for example, if the mGuard is used in different environments.

Furthermore, you can also save the configuration profiles as files on your configuration com­puter. Alternatively, these configuration files can be loaded onto the mGuard and activated.

In addition, you can restore the Factory Default settings at any time.

Certain models also allow the configuration profiles to be stored on external configuration storage (ECS).


V.24/USB memory stick: mGuard Centerport (Innominate), FL MGUARD CENTERPORT


Unencrypted configuration profiles can be stored on an external configuration memory (FL MEM PLUG) which can be connected to the M12 socket of the mGuard.

The MEM PLUG is available in two version with different memory capacity.




When a configuration profile is saved, the passwords used for authenticating administra­tive access to the mGuard (Root password, Admin password, SNMPv3 password) are not saved.





It is possible to load and activate a configuration profile that was created under an older firmware version. However, the reverse is not true – a configuration profile created under a newer firmware version should not be loaded and will be rejected.


Encrypted configuration memory

From mGuard firmware version 7.6.1, configuration profiles can be encrypted on the mGuard for platform 2 mGuard devices (not on FL MGUARD GT/GT). This makes rollout easier.

You can save several mGuard configurations on an SD card and then use it to start up all mGuards. During the startup process, the mGuard finds the relevant valid configuration on the SD card. This is loaded, decrypted, and used as the valid configuration (see "Encrypt the data on the ECS" on page 97.)

Recovery procedure

With firmware 8.4.0 or later, before performing the recovery procedure, the current device configuration is stored in a new configuration profile (“Recovery DATE”). Following the re­covery procedure, the device starts with the default settings.

Following the recovery procedure, the configuration profile with the designation “Recovery DATE” appears in the list of configuration profiles and can be restored with or without changes.

Management >> Configuration Profiles 

Configuration Profiles

At the top of the page there is a list of the configuration profiles that are stored on the mGuard, e.g., the Factory Default configuration profile. If any configuration profiles have been saved by the user (see below), they will be listed here.

Active configuration profile: the configuration profile that is currently enabled has an Active symbol at the start of the entry. If a configuration is modified in such a way that it corresponds to a stored configuration profile, the Active symbol appears next to it after the changes have been appliedactive-symbol.png.

Configuration profiles that are stored on the mGuard can be:

Enabled (Restore profile) ic_settings_backup_restore_black_48dp_2x.png

Downloaded as a file on the connected configuration computer ic_file_download_black_24dp_2x.png

Viewed and edited (Edit profile) ic_mode_edit_black_48dp_2x.png

Deleted ic_delete_forever_black_48dp_2x.png

Downloaded as an atv file


Download configuration profile as an atv file

Click on the name of the configuration profile in the list.

The configuration profile is downloaded as an atv file and can be analyzed with a text editor.


View and edit configuration profile before restoring it (Edit profile )

Click on the ic_mode_edit_black_48dp_2x00138.png Edit profile icon to the right of the configuration profile name.

The configuration profile is loaded, but not activated yet. All entries that contain changes to the configuration currently used are highlighted in green on the relevant page and in the associated menu path. The changes displayed can be applied as they are or with further modifications, or they can be discarded:

To apply the entries for the loaded profile (with further modifications, where ap­plicable), click on the ic_save_black_48dp_2x.png Save icon.

To discard all changes, click on the ic_autorenew_black_48dp_2x.png Reset icon.


Enable the factory default or a configuration profile saved on the mGuard by the user (Restore profile)

Click on the ic_settings_backup_restore_black_48dp_2x00139.png Restore profile icon to the right of the configuration profile name.

The corresponding configuration profile is restored without a safety prompt being dis­played and is activated immediately.


Save configuration profile as a file on the configuration computer

Click on the ic_file_download_black_24dp_2x00140.png Download profile icon to the right of the configuration profile name.

In the dialog box that is displayed, where appropriate specify the file name and stor­age location where the configuration profile is to be saved as a file. (The file name can be freely selected.)


Delete configuration profile 

Click on the ic_delete_forever_black_48dp_2x00141.png Delete profile icon to the right of the configuration profile name.





Save current configu­ration to profile

Save current configuration as a profile on the mGuard

Enter the desired profile name in the Profile name field next to “Save current configuration to profile”.

Click on the ic_save_black_48dp_2x00146.png Save button.

The configuration profile is saved on the mGuard. The profile name appears in the list of configuration profiles stored on the mGuard.


Upload configuration to profile

Upload a configuration profile that has been saved to a file on the configuration computer

Requirement: a configuration profile has been saved on the configuration computer as a file according to the procedure described above.

Enter the desired profile name that is to be displayed in the Profile name field next to “Upload configuration to profile”.

Click on the ic_folder_open_black_48dp_2x00147.png No file selected icon and select and open the relevant file in the dialog box that is displayed.

Click on the ic_file_upload_black_24dp_2x.png Upload button.

The configuration profile is loaded on the mGuard, and the name assigned in step 1 appears in the list of profiles that are stored.


External Configuration Storage (ECS)

Configuration profiles stored on the mGuard can be exported to external configuration storage (ECS) from where they can be imported onto mGuard devices again.

Depending on the device used and the technical requirements, various types of external configuration storage can be used as the storage medium (e.g., SD cards or USB flash drives). The exported file has the file extension “ecs.tgz”.

Technical requirements of SD card:

FAT file system on the first partition

Maximum size of 2 GB

SD cards certified and approved by Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG: see accessories on the product pages at phoenixcontact.net/products

To import the file onto an mGuard device, the SD card or the USB flash drive must be in­serted in or connected to the mGuard.

The configuration can be:

Automatically loaded, decrypted, and used as the active configuration when the de­vice is started

Loaded and activated via the web interface




State of the ECS

The current state is updated dynamically. (See "State of the ECS"  in "Event table" on page 69).


Save current configu­ration on the ECS

(Only for TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD GT/GT, FL MGUARD DELTA, FL MGUARD PCI(E)4000, mGuard Centerport (Innominate), and FL MGUARD CENTERPORT)

When replacing the original device with a replacement device, the configuration profile of the original device can be applied using the ECS. To do so, the replacement device must still use “root” as the password for the “root” user.

If the root password on the replacement device is not “root”, this password must be entered in the “Root password” field. Click on the ic_sd_storage_black_48dp_2x.png Save button to apply the entry.


Load configuration from the ECS

If there is a configuration profile on an inserted or connected ECS storage medium, clicking on the ic_sd_storage_black_48dp_2x00152.pngLoad” button im­ports it to the mGuard where it is enabled as the active profile.

The loaded configuration profile does not appear in the list of configuration profiles stored on the mGuard.


Automatically save configuration changes to the ECS

(Only for TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD GT/GT, FL MGUARD DELTA, FL MGUARD PCI(E)4000, mGuard Centerport (Innominate), FL MGUARD CENTERPORT)

When the function is activated, the configuration changes are automatically saved to the ECS, i.e., the ECS always stores the profile currently used.


The mGuard only uses the automatically stored configuration profiles on startup if the original password (“root”) is still set on the mGuard for the “root” user.

Configuration changes are made even if the ECS is discon­nected, full or defective. The corresponding error messages are displayed in the Logging menu (see "Logging >> Browse Local Logs" on page 411).

Activation of the new setting extends the response time of the user interface when changing any settings.


Encrypt the data on the ECS

(Only for TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD PCI(E)4000, FL MGUARD DELTA, mGuard Centerport (Innominate), and FL MGUARD CENTERPORT)

When the function is activated, the configuration changes are encrypted and stored on an ECS. From mGuard firmware ver­sion 7.6.1, configuration profiles can be encrypted on the mGuard for platform 2 mGuard devices (not on FL MGUARD GT/GT). This makes mGuard rollout easier.

You can save several mGuard configurations on an SD card (or also on a USB stick in the case of mGuard Centerport (Innominate) and FL MGUARD CENTERPORT) and then use it to start up all mGuards. During the startup process, the mGuard finds the relevant valid configuration on the configu­ration storage. This is loaded, decrypted, and used as the valid configuration.


Load configuration from the ECS during boot

When the function is activated, the ECS is accessed when booting the mGuard. The configuration profile is loaded from the ECS onto the mGuard, decrypted if necessary, and used as the valid configuration.


4.6Management >> SNMP




The mGuard must not be simultaneously configured via web access, shell access or SN­MP. Simultaneous configuration via the different access methods might lead to unexpect­ed results.

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is primarily used in more complex net­works to monitor or configure the state and operation of devices.

With mGuard firmware 8.4 or later, it is also possible to execute Actions on the mGuard using the SNMP protocol. Documentation of the actions that can be executed is available via the corresponding MIB file.

MIB file

To configure, monitor or control the mGuard via an SNMP client using the SNMP protocol, the corresponding MIB file must be imported into the SNMP client. MIB files are provided in a ZIP file together with the firmware or firmware updates. They can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website via the corresponding product pages:



SNMP is available in several releases: SNMPv1/SNMPv2 and SNMPv3.

The older versions (SNMPv1/SNMPv2) do not use encryption and are not considered to be secure. The use of SNMPv1/SNMPv2 is therefore not recommended.

SNMPv3 is significantly better in terms of security, but not all management consoles support this version yet.




Processing an SNMP request may take more than one second. However, this value cor­responds to the default timeout value of some SNMP management applications.

If you experience timeout problems, set the timeout value of your management appli­cation to values between 3 and 5 seconds.


Management >> SNMP >> Query


Enable SNMPv3 access

Activate the function if you wish to allow monitoring of the mGuard via SNMPv3.


Access via SNMPv3 requires authentication with a user name and password. The default setting for the access data is as fol­lows:

User name: admin

Password: SnmpAdmin

(It is case-sensitive.)

From mGuard firmware Version 8.6.0, the SNMPv3 access data user name and password can be changed via the web interface, an ECS configuration, or a rollout script.

Administration of SNMPv3 users via SNMPv3 USM is not pos­sible.


The addition of further SNMPv3 users is not currently sup­ported.

MD5 is used for the authentication process; DES is supported for encryption.


Enable SNMPv1/v2 access

Activate the function if you wish to allow monitoring of the mGuard via SNMPv1/v2.

You must also enter the login data under SNMPv1/v2 Com­munity.



Port for incoming SNMP connections

Default: 161

If this port number is changed, the new port number only ap­plies for access via the External, External 2, DMZ, VPN, GRE, and Dial-in interface. Port number 161 still applies for internal access.


The remote peer that implements remote access may have to specify the port number defined here when entering the ad­dress.


Run SNMP agent under the permis­sions of the following user

admin / netadmin

Specifies which permissions are used to run the SNMP agent.

SNMPv3 access data

User name

Changes the currently assigned SNMPv3 user name.



Changes the currently assigned SNMPv3 password.

The password can only be written but not read out (write only). 


SNMPv1/v2 Community

Read-Write commu­nity

Enter the required login data in this field.


Read-Only community

Enter the required login data in this field.

Allowed Networks

Lists the firewall rules that have been set up. These apply for incoming data packets of an SNMP access attempt.

The rules specified here only take effect if the Enable SNMPv3 access or Enable SN­MPv1/v2 access function is activated.

If multiple firewall rules are defined, these are queried starting from the top of the list of entries until an appropriate rule is found. This rule is then applied. If the list of rules con­tains further subsequent rules that could also apply, these rules are ignored.


From IP

Enter the address of the computer or network from which ac­cess is permitted or forbidden in this field.

The following options are available:

An IP address.

To specify an address area, use CIDR format (see "CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)" on page 29). means all addresses.



Internal / External / External 2 / DMZ / VPN / GRE / Dial-in1

Specifies to which interface the rule should apply.

If no rules are set or if no rule applies, the following default set­tings apply:

SNMP monitoring is permitted via Internal, DMZ, VPN, and Dial-in.

Access via External, External 2, and GRE is denied.

Specify the monitoring options according to your require­ments.




Accept means that the data packets may pass through.

Reject means that the data packets are sent back and the sender is informed of their rejection. (In Stealth mode, Reject has the same effect as Drop.)

Drop means that the data packets are not permitted to pass through. They are discarded, which means that the sender is not informed of their whereabouts.



Freely selectable comment for this rule.



For each individual firewall rule, you can specify whether the use of the rule:

Should be logged – activate Log function

Should not be logged – deactivate Log function (default)

1External 2 and Dial-in are only for devices with a serial interface (see "Network >> Interfaces" on page 131).




In certain cases, the mGuard can send SNMP traps. SNMP traps are only sent if the SNMP request is activated.

The traps correspond to SNMPv1. The trap information for each setting is listed below. A more detailed description can be found in the MIB that belongs to the mGuard.




If SNMP traps are sent to the peer via a VPN tunnel, the IP address of the peer must be located in the network that is specified as the Remote network in the definition of the VPN connection.

The internal IP address must be located in the network that is specified as Local in the definition of the VPN connection (see IPsec VPN >> Connections >> Edit >> General).

If the IPsec VPN >> Connections >> Edit >> General, Local option is set to 1:1 NAT (see Page 336), the following applies:

The internal IP address must be located in the specified local network.

If the IPsec VPN >> Connections >> Edit >> General, Remote option is set to 1:1 NAT (see Page 338), the following applies:

The IP address of the remote log server must be located in the network that is specified as Remote in the definition of the VPN connection.

Management >> SNMP >> Trap

Basic Traps

SNMP authentication

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardInfo

generic-trap   : authenticationFailure

specific-trap   : 0

Sent if an unauthorized station attempts to access the mGuard SNMP agent.


Link up/down

 Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardInfo

generic-trap   : linkUp, linkDown

specific-trap   : 0

Sent when the connection to a port is interrupted (linkDown) or restored (linkUp).


Cold restart

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardInfo

generic-trap   : coldStart

specific-trap   : 0

Is sent after a cold restart or warm start.


Admin connection attempt (SSH, HTTPS)

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuard

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardHTTPSLoginTrap (1)

additional   : mGuardHTTPSLastAccessIP

Is sent if someone has tried successfully or unsuccessfully (e.g., using an incorrect password) to open an HTTPS ses­sion. The trap contains the IP address from which the attempt was issued.



enterprise-oid   : mGuard

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardShellLoginTrap (2)

additional   : mGuardShellLastAccessIP

Is sent when someone opens the shell via SSH or the serial in­terface. The trap contains the IP address of the login request. If this request was sent via the serial interface, the value is


Admin access (SSH, HTTPS)

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuard

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapSSHLogin

additional   : mGuardTResSSHUsername


Is sent when someone accesses the mGuard via SSH.



enterprise-oid   : mGuard

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapSSHLogout

additional   : mGuardTResSSHUsername


Is sent when access to the mGuard via SSH is terminated.


New DHCP client

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuard

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : 3

additional   : mGuardDHCPLastAccessMAC

Is sent when a DHCP request is received from an unknown cli­ent.

Hardware-related Traps

(Only TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD RS)

Chassis (power, sig­nal relay)

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapSenderIndustrial

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapIndustrialPowerStatus (2)

additional   : mGuardTrapIndustrialPowerStatus

Sent when the system registers a power failure.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapSenderIndustrial

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapSignalRelais (3)

additional   : mGuardTResSignalRelaisState

        (mGuardTEsSignlalRelaisReason, mGuardTResSignal RelaisReasonIdx)

Sent after the signal contact is changed and indicates the cur­rent status (0 = Off, 1 = On).


Service input/CMD

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapCMD

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapCMDStateChange (1)

additional   : mGuardCMDState         

Is sent if a service input/CMD is switched by a switch or button. A trap is sent during every switching procedure.


Agent (external config storage, temperature)

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapIndustrial

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapIndustrialTemperature (1)

additional   : mGuardSystemTemperature,



Indicates the temperature in the event of the temperature ex­ceeding the specified limit values.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapIndustrial

genericTrap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapAutoConfigAdapterState (4)

additional   : mGuardTrapAutoConfigAdapter Change

Is sent after access to the ECS.

FL MGUARD BLADE con­troller traps


Blade status change 

(Blade switch, failure)

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapBladeCTRL

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapBladeCtrlPowerStatus (2)

additional   : mGuardTrapBladeRackID,



Is sent when the power supply status of the blade pack changes.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapBladeCTRL

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapBladeCtrlRunStatus (3)

additional   : mGuardTrapBladeRackID,



Is sent when the blade run status changes.


Blade reconfiguration


Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapBladeCtrlCfg

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapBladeCtrlCfgBackup (1)

additional   : mGuardTrapBladeRackID,



Is sent when configuration backup is triggered for the FL MGUARD BLADE controller.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapBladeCtrlCfg

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapBladeCtrlCfgRestored 2

additional   : mGuardTrapBladeRackID,



Is sent when configuration restoration is triggered from the FL MGUARD BLADE controller.

CIFS Integrity Traps

(Not for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005, FL MGUARD RS2000)

Successful integrity check of a CIFS share

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapCIFSScan

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapCIFSScanInfo (1)

additional   : mGuardTResCIFSShare, mGuardTResCIFSScanError, mGuardTResCIFSNumDiffs

Is sent if the CIFS integrity check has been successfully com­pleted.


Failed integrity check of a CIFS share

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapCIFSScan

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapCIFSScanFailure (2)

additional   : mGuardTResCIFSShare, mGuardTResCIFSScanError, mGuardTResCIFSNumDiffs

Is sent if the CIFS integrity check has failed.


Found a (suspicious) difference on a CIFS share

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapCIFSScan

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapCIFSScanDetection (3)

additional   : mGuardTResCIFSShare, mGuardTResCIFSScanError, mGuardTResCIFSNumDiffs

Is sent if the CIFS integrity check has detected a deviation.

Redundancy Traps

(Not for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005, FL MGUARD RS2000)

Status change

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapRouterRedundancy

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapRouterRedBackupDown

additional   : mGuardTResRedundacyBackup­Down

This trap is sent when the backup device (secondary mGuard) cannot be reached by the master device (primary mGuard). (The trap will only be sent if ICMP checks are activated.)

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapRouterRedundancy

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapRRedundancyStatus­Change

additional   : mGuardRRedStateSSV,

Is sent when the status of the HA cluster has changed.

Userfirewall traps

(Not for TC MGUARD RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS2005, FL MGUARD RS2000)

Userfirewall traps

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapUserFirewall

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapUserFirewallLogin (1)

additional   : mGuardTResUserFirewallUsername,



Is sent when a user logs into the user firewall.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapUserFirewall

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapUserFirewallLogout (2)

additional   : mGuardTResUserFirewallUsername,



Is sent when a user logs out of the user firewall.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapUserFirewall

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapUserFirewallAuthError TRAP-TYPE (3)

additional   : mGuardTResUserFirewallUsername,



Is sent in the event of an authentication error.

VPN Traps

IPsec connection sta­tus changes

Trap description

enterprise-oid    : mGuardTrapVPN

genericTrap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapVPNIKEServerStatus (1)

additional   : mGuardTResVPNStatus

Is sent when the IPsec IKE server is started or stopped.



enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapVPN

genericTrap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapVPNIPsecConnStatus (2)

additional   : mGuardTResVPNName,







Is sent when the status of an IPsec connection changes.



enterprise-oid   : mGuard

generic-trap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapVPNIPsecConnStatus

Is sent when a connection is established or aborted. It is not sent when the mGuard is about to accept a connection re­quest for this connection.


L2TP connection sta­tus changes

Trap description

enterprise-oid   : mGuardTrapVPN

genericTrap   : enterpriseSpecific

specific-trap   : mGuardTrapVPNL2TPConnStatus (3)

additional   : mGuardTResVPNName, mGuardTResVPNIndex,





Is sent when the status of an L2TP connection changes.

Mobile Network Traps

(Only TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G)

Incoming SMS and connection supervi­sion

Enables traps for the mobile network connection. Traps are sent when a text message is received or the mobile network connection drops.

Trap Destinations

Traps can be sent to multiple destinations.


Destination IP

IP address to which the trap should be sent.


Destination port

Default: 162

Destination port to which the trap should be sent.


Destination name

Optional name for the destination. Does not affect the gener­ated traps.


Destination commu­nity

Name of the SNMP community to which the trap is assigned.



LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol, IEEE 802.1AB/D13) uses suitable request methods to automatically obtain information about the network infrastructure. A system that uses LLDP can be configured so that it listens for or sends LLDP information. There are no re­quests for or responses to LLDP information.

As a transmitter, the mGuard periodically sends unsolicited multicasts to Ethernet level (Layer 2) in configured time intervals (typically ~30 s).

Management >> SNMP >> LLDP


Enable LLDP

The LLDP service or agent can be globally activated or deac­tivated here.


LLDP on external net­works

You can select whether the mGuard only receives or sends and receives LLDP information from external and/or internal networks.


LLDP on internal net­works

(See above)


Devices Found via LLDP

Local interface

Local interface via which the device was found.

Chassis ID subtype

Unique chassis ID subtype of the computer found.

Chassis ID

A unique ID of the computer found; typically one of its MAC ad­dresses.

IP address

IP address of the computer found. This can be used to perform administrative activities on the computer via SNMP.

Port description

A textual description of the network interface via which the computer was found.

System name

Host name of the computer found.

4.7Management >> Central Management

4.7.1Configuration Pull


The mGuard can retrieve new configuration profiles from an HTTPS server in adjustable time intervals, provided that the server makes them available to the mGuard as files (file ex­tension: .atv). If the configuration provided differs from the current configuration of the mGuard, the available configuration is automatically downloaded and activated.

Management >> Central Management >> Configuration Pull

Configuration Pull


Here, specify whether (and if so, when and at what intervals) the mGuard should attempt to download and apply a new con­figuration from the server. To do this, open the selection list and select the desired value.


When Never is selected, the mGuard makes no attempt to download a configuration from the server.

When Once at boot is selected, the mGuard attempts to download a configuration from the server after every restart.

When Time schedule is selected, a new field is shown below. In this field, specify whether the new configuration should be downloaded from the server daily or regularly on a certain weekday, and at what time.

Time-controlled download of a new configuration is only pos­sible if the system time has been synchronized (see "Manage­ment >> System Settings" on page 47, "Time and Date" on page 49).

Time control sets the selected time based on the configured time zone.

When Every xx min/h is selected, the mGuard attempts to download a configuration from the server at the specified time intervals.



IP address or host name of the server that provides the config­urations.



Port via which the server can be accessed.



The directory (folder) on the server where the configuration is located.


File name

The name of the file in the directory defined above. If no file name is defined here, the serial number of the mGuard is used with file extension ".atv".


Number of times a configuration profile is ignored after it was rolled back

Default: 2

After retrieving a new configuration, it is possible that the mGuard may no longer be accessible after applying the new configuration. It is then no longer possible to implement a new remote configuration to make corrections. In order to prevent this, the mGuard performs the following check:



As soon as the retrieved configuration is applied, the mGuard tries to connect to the con­figuration server again based on the new configuration. It then attempts to download the newly applied configuration profile again.

If successful, the new configuration remains in effect.


If this check is unsuccessful for whatever reason, the mGuard assumes that the newly ap­plied configuration profile is faulty. The mGuard remembers the MD5 total for identifica­tion purposes. The mGuard then performs a rollback.

Rollback means that the last (working) configuration is restored. This assumes that the new (non-functioning) configuration contains an instruction to perform a rollback if a newly loaded configuration profile is found to be faulty according to the checking procedure de­scribed above.


When the mGuard makes subsequent attempts to retrieve a new configuration profile pe­riodically after the time defined in the Pull schedule field (and Time schedule) has elapsed, it will only accept the profile subject to the following selection criterion: the con­figuration profile provided must differ from the configuration profile previously identified as faulty for the mGuard and which resulted in the rollback.

(The mGuard checks the MD5 total stored for the old, faulty, and rejected configuration against the MD5 total of the new configuration profile offered.)


If this selection criterion is met, i.e., a newer configuration profile is offered, the mGuard retrieves this configuration profile, applies it, and checks it according to the procedure de­scribed above. It also disables the configuration profile by means of rollback if the check is unsuccessful.


If the selection criterion is not met (i.e., the same configuration profile is being offered), the selection criterion remains in force for all further cyclic requests for the period speci­fied in the Number of times... field.

If the specified number of times elapses without a change of the configuration profile on the configuration server, the mGuard applies the unchanged new (“faulty”) configuration profile again, despite it being “faulty”. This is to rule out the possibility that external factors (e.g., network failure) may have resulted in the check being unsuccessful.

The mGuard then attempts to connect to the configuration server again based on the new configuration that has been reapplied. It then attempts to download the newly applied configuration profile again. If this is unsuccessful, another rollback is performed. The se­lection criterion is enforced again for the further cycles for loading a new configuration as often as is defined in the Number of times... field.


If the value in the Number of times... field is specified as 0, the selection criterion (the offered configuration profile is ignored if it remains unchanged) will never be enforced. As a result, the second of the following objectives could then no longer be met.


This mechanism has the following objectives:

1.After applying a new configuration, it must be ensured that the mGuard can still be configured from a remote location.

2.When cycles are close together (e.g., Pull schedule = 15 minutes), the mGuard must be prevented from repeatedly testing a configuration profile that might be faulty at intervals that are too short. This can hinder or prevent external administrative ac­cess, as the mGuard might be too busy dealing with its own processes.

3.External factors (e.g., network failure) must be largely ruled out as a reason why the mGuard considers the new configuration to be faulty.


Download timeout

Default: 2 minutes (00:02:00)

Specifies the maximum timeout length (period of inactivity) when downloading the configuration file. The download is aborted if this time is exceeded. If and when a new download is attempted depends on the setting of Pull Schedule (see above).

The entry can be in seconds [ss], minutes and seconds [mm:ss] or hours, minutes, and seconds [hh:mm:ss].



Login (user name) that the HTTPS server requests.



Password that the HTTPS server requests.



Server certificate

The certificate that the mGuard uses to check the authenticity of the certificate “shown” by the configuration server. It pre­vents an incorrect configuration from an unauthorized server from being installed on the mGuard.



The following may be specified here:

A self-signed certificate of the configuration server or

The root certificate of the CA (certification authority) that issued the server certificate. This is valid when the config­uration server certificate is signed by a CA (instead of self-signed).





The password should consist of at least 30 random upper and lower case letters and numbers (to prevent unautho­rized access).

The HTTPS server should only grant access to the config­uration of this individual mGuard using the login and pass­word specified. Otherwise, users of other mGuard devices could access this individual device.




To install a certificate, proceed as follows:

Requirement: the certificate file must be saved on the con­nected computer.

Click on Browse... to select the file.

Click on Import.


Download test

Click on the Test download button to test whether the speci­fied parameters are correct without actually saving the modi­fied parameters or activating the configuration profile. The re­sult of the test is displayed in the right-hand column.


4.8Management >> Service I/O




This menu is only available on the TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, FL MGUARD RS, and FL MGUARD GT/GT.

Service contacts (service I/Os) can be connected to some mGuards.

TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G,

TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G





Connection of the service contacts is described in the user manual for the devices (UM EN MGUARD DEVICES).

Input/CMD 1, CMD 2, CMD 3

A pushbutton or an on/off switch can be connected to the inputs. One or more freely select­able VPN connections or firewall rule sets can be switched via the corresponding switch. A mixture of VPN connections and firewall rule sets is also possible. The web interface dis­plays which VPN connections and which firewall rule sets are connected to this input.

The pushbutton or on/off switch is used to establish and release predefined VPN connec­tions or to activate defined firewall rule sets.

Signal contact (signal out­put) ACK 1, 2

You can set whether to monitor specific VPN connections or firewall rule sets and to display them using LEDs.

If VPN connections are being monitored, an illuminated LED indicates that VPN connec­tions are established.

Alarm output ACK 3

The alarm output monitors the function of the mGuard and therefore enables remote diag­nostics.

The corresponding LED lights up red if the alarm output changes to the low level due to an error (inverted control logic).

The alarm output reports the following, if it has been activated.

Failure of the redundant power supply

Monitoring of the link status of the Ethernet connections

Monitoring of the temperature state

Monitoring of the connection status of redundancy

Monitoring of the connection status of the internal modem

4.8.1Service Contacts


Management >> Service I/O >> Service Contacts

Input/CMD 1-3

Switch type connected to the input

Push button / On/off switch

Select the type of switch connected.


State of the input/CMD 1-3

Displays the state of the connected switch.

When editing the VPN connection, the switch must be se­lected under "Controlling service input" (under “"IPsec VPN >> Connections >> Edit >> General" or "OpenVPN Client >> Connections >> Edit >> General" ).


VPN connections or firewall rule records controlled by this input

The FL MGUARD RS4000/RS2000, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, FL MGUARD RS4004/RS2005, FL MGUARD RS and FL MGUARD GT/GT have connections to which external pushbuttons or an on/off switch and actuators (e.g., a signal lamp) can be connected.

The pushbutton or on/off switch can be used to:

Start or stop configured VPN connections

Activate or deactivate configured firewall rule sets

The events that are controlled by the input can be configured here:

1.IPsec VPN: "IPsec VPN >> Connections >> Edit >> Gen­eral"  

2.OpenVPN: "OpenVPN Client >> Connections >> Edit >> General"

3.Firewall rule set: Network Security >> Packet Filter >> Rule Records

Output/ACK 1-2

Monitor VPN connec­tion or firewall rule record

Off/VPN connection/firewall rule record

The state of the selected VPN connection or the selected fire­wall rule set is indicated via the associated signal contact (ACK output).

4.8.2Signaling output


Management >> Service I/O >> Alarm output


Operating mode

Operation supervision / Manual setting

The alarm output can be controlled automatically using Oper­ation supervision (default) or Manual setting.


Manual setting

Closed / Open (Alarm)

The desired state of the alarm output (for function control) can be selected here:

If the state is manually set to Open (Alarm), the FAULT LED does not light up red (no alarm).

Operation Supervision

Current state

Displays the state of the alarm output.


Redundant power sup­ply

If set to Ignore, the state of the power supply does not influ­ence the alarm output.

If set to Supervise, the alarm output is opened if either of the two supply voltages fails.


Link supervision

Ignore / Supervise

Monitoring of the link status of the Ethernet connections.

If set to Ignore, the link status of the Ethernet connections does not influence the alarm output.

If set to Supervise, the alarm output is opened if one link does not indicate connectivity. Set the links to be monitored under Network >> Ethernet >> MAU Settings in the Link supervision menu.


Temperature condi­tion

The alarm output indicates overtemperature and undertem­perature. The permissible range is set under "System tem­perature (°C)"  in the Management >> System Settings >> Host menu.

If set to Ignore, the temperature does not influence the signal contact.

If set to Supervise, the alarm output is opened if the tempera­ture is not within the permissible range.


Connection state of the internal modem

Only if an internal modem is available and switched on (TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G, and FL MGUARD RS with internal analog modem or ISDN modem).

If set to Ignore, the connection status of the internal modem does not influence the alarm output.

If set to Supervise, the alarm output is opened if the internal modem does not have a connection.


Connectivity state of redundancy


Only if the Redundancy function is used (see Section 17).

If set to Ignore, the connectivity check does not influence the alarm output.

If set to Supervise, the alarm output is opened if the connec­tivity check fails. This is regardless of whether the mGuard is active or in standby mode.


4.9Management >> Restart



Management >> Restart >> Reboot



Click on the “Reboot” button to restart (reboot) the mGuard.

The device requires approx. 60 seconds to restart.

A restart has the same effect as a temporary interruption to the power supply. The mGuard is switched off and back on again.

A restart is required in the event of an error. It may also be re­quired after a software update.

Reboot via Text Message

(Only TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 3G, TC MGUARD RS4000/RS2000 4G)

Enable reboot via text message

With mGuard firmware Version 8.4 or later, it is possible to re­start (reboot) the mGuard via text message.

When the function is activated, the mGuard can be re­started (rebooted) via an incoming text message.

The text message must contain the “system/reboot” command followed by a configured token (see below).

Example: system/reboot mytoken1234

When the function is deactivated, a restart via text message is not possible (default).


Token for reboot via text message

Token for restarting the mGuard via text message.