9Creating and managing certificates

It is assumed that the reader has an extensive knowledge of certificates, certificate creating and public key encryption.




Create certificates only if you are sure to master the certificate creation.

This chapter explains the usage of OpenSSL to create certificates.

It is important to note that mdm requires two different types of certificates and keys:

Certificates and keys used to secure the communication between the mdm compo­nents

Certificates and keys used for the PKI

How to create certificates and keys to be used for the SSL communication is explained in Chapter 9.1. The certificates and keys used in a PKI are described in Chapter 9.2.




Please note that the process described in this section to create certificates is just one ex­ample of the usage of OpenSSL. There are also alternative ways to create your certifi­cates. If you are not familiar with OpenSSL you should exactly follow the instructions below.




The use of OpenSSL 1.1.1b or later is recommended, due to several important security fixes.


Certificates and keys are stored in databases called keystores. A keystore is a file, contain­ing the certificates and keys in encrypted form. To access the information in a keystore a passphrase is required. Keystores can have different formats, common formats are e.g. PKCS#12 or the proprietary Java KeyStore format (JKS). The encryption algorithm can usu­ally be selected when creating the keystore. AES256 is recommended.

The OpenSSL configura­tion file

OpenSSL uses default values specified in the configuration file openssl.cnf (the directory where this file is located depends on your distribution, e.g. check in the directory /usr/ssl or /usr/lib/ssl).

If you omit mandatory arguments of a command, OpenSSL uses the default settings defined in the configuration file. If possible, all mandatory arguments for the example commands below are explicitly stated, i.e. if you use the commands as described below the important information is taken from the command line and not from the configuration file. If the config­uration file is required for the respective command it is explicitly mentioned in the text.


For further information about the syntax and content of the configuration files, please refer to OpenSSL's documentation, particularly to the manual pages genrsa(1ssl), req(1ssl), ca(1ssl) and openssl(1ssl).

9.1Certificates and keys for SSL

To set up a secure connection between entities (e.g. ET1, ET2) usually the following com­ponents are required:

a private key for each entity participating in the communication:



The term private key already implies that it is important to keep these keys private and store them at a location only accessible to the administrator.

and the corresponding certificates:



The certificates contain among other information

the public key of the entity

information about the entity, e.g. the name and/or the IP address

further information about the certificate, e.g. the intended usage

The certificate is either digitally signed with the private key of the respective entity (self-signed) or with a CA key.

The certificates are public and can be distributed to anyone participating in the commu­nication.

ET1 will use the public key contained in ET2cert to encrypt the data sent to ET2. This assures that only ET2 is able to decrypt the data. If ET2cert is self-signed it is assured that public key contained in ET2cert corresponds to ET2key. If ET2cert is signed by a CA it is assured that the public key contained in ET2cert really belongs to ET2 (authentication).

Create the private key

ETkey has to be created first using the following command:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:yourSSLPW -out privkey.pem 2048

Explanation of the arguments




genrsa instructs OpenSSL to generate an RSA key.


Use AES256 to encrypt the key.

-passout pass:password

The password used to encrypt the private key (in the example: yourSSLPW). yourSSLPW is just an example and should be replaced by a secure password.

-out filename

Name of the file containing ETkey (in the ex­ample: privkey.pem).


The length of the key.


The command above generates one output file: privkey.pem

This file contains ETkey in PEM format. The key is encrypted with the AES256-algorithm. To access the key you have to know the passphrase specified above (in the example: yourSSLPW). Please use your own, secure password to encrypt the private key.




Sometimes it is necessary to create an unencrypted key. In this case just omit the -aes256 and the -passout option in the command above.

Create the certificate

The certificate is created with the following command:

openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -keyform PEM
-passin pass:
yourSSLPW -sha256 -outform PEM -out serverCert.pem

Explanation of the arguments:




req instructs OpenSSL to generate a certifi­cate request (default) or a certificate.


Non interactive mode.


Create a new request or a new certificate.


Create a self signed certificate instead of a certificate request.

-key filename

The corresponding private key (in the exam­ple: privkey.pem).

-keyform PEM

The private key is in PEM format.

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the private key (in the example: yourSSLPW).


Use the SHA256 algorithm to create the mes­sage digest for the signature (recom­mended).

-outform PEM

The format of the output file is PEM.

-out filename

The name of the output file, i.e. the certificate (in the example serverCert.pem).

The command above generates one output file: serverCert.pem

This file contains the self-signed certificate ETcert.

Create a keystore

The keys and certificates have to be included in keystores. The installation archive mdm-ca-1.11.x.zip contains the (proprietary) java tool ImportKey in the demoCA directory which can be used to create and manage keystores. Please copy the file ImportKey.class to your working directory.

First ETkey has to be converted to PKCS#8 format and both ETkey and ETcert have to be in­cluded in a keystore. In the example, Java KeyStore format (JKS) is used. This can be ac­complished with the tool ImportKey. ImportKey does accept the (unencrypted) key on stan­dard input only, therefore the output of the pkcs8 command has to be piped as follows:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in privkey.pem -passin pass:yourSSLPW 
-inform PEM -nocrypt -outform DER |java -cp .
yourAlias -storetype JKS -keystore serverKeystore.jks 
-storepass pass:
yourSSLPW -keypass pass:yourSSLPW 

Explanation of the openssl arguments:




The pkcs8 command is used to process pri­vate keys in PKCS#8 format.


Use a traditional format private key as input and write a key in PKCS#8 format key.

-in filename

The name and the location of the input file (in the example: privkey.pem).

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the input (in the example: yourSSLPW).

-inform PEM

The input format of the key is PEM.


The output (the key) is not encrypted.

-outform DER

The ouput format is DER.

Explanation of the ImportKey arguments:



-alias name

A keystore can contain multiple entries. The alias identifies the entry and therefore has to be unique in the keystore. Aliases are case-insensitive.

-keystore filename

The file containing the keystore (in the exam­ple: serverKeyStore.jks).

-storetype JKS

Use JKS as format for the keystore.

-storepass pass:password

Password required to decrypt the contents of the keystore (in the example: yourSSLPW).

-keypass pass:password

Additional password required to decrypt the private key in the keystore.

-chain filename

The certificate (in the example server­Cert.pem).

The command above generates one output file: serverKeyStore.jks

This is the keystore containing the certificate and the private key.

Import a certificate

After creating the keystore it is sometimes necessary to import additional certificates into the keystore. This can be accomplished by using the following command:

java -cp . ImportKey -alias yourAlias -storetype JKS
additionalCertificate.pem -storepass pass:yourSSLPW
-keystore serverKeystore.jks

Explanation of the ImportKey arguments:



-alias name

A keystore can contain multiple entries. The alias identifies the entry and therefore has to be unique in the keystore. Aliases are case-insensitive.

-keystore filename

The file containing the keystore (in the exam­ple: serverKeyStore.jks).

-storetype JKS

The format for the keystore.

-storepass pass:password

Password required to decrypt the contents of the keystore (in the example: yourSSLPW).

-file filename

The certificate to be imported (in the example additionalCertificate.pem).

9.2Certificates and keys for a PKI

When rolling out a Private Key Infrastructure (PKI), which is basically your intent when using the mdm CA, there are more requirements to be taken into account than mentioned in the previous chapter. This chapter first describes some of the PKI basics and then the usage of OpenSSL to roll out a PKI.




Please note that the certificates described in this section are not used for SSL.




Please note that the certificates and keys described in this section are not stored in the SSL-keystore of the mdm CA, but in the CA-keystore.

PKI basics

Among others the main reasons for using a PKI are:


When communicating using data networks it is in most cases not possible to “see” the entity on the remote side (exception: video telephony), i.e. one cannot be sure that the entity on the remote side is the one it claims to be. The usage of a PKI assures the au­thenticity of the entities communicating with each other.

Data confidentiality

This is the reason VPNs are used to exchange data: The data packets are sent “in the public” (Internet), but unauthorized entities are prevented from accessing the informa­tion contained in the packets.

Data integrity

The assurance that the information received is identical to the information sent by the other entity. This prevents information to be altered by an entity “in the middle” which is not authorized to participate in the communication.

It is beyond the scope of this document to describe all components and their interactions involved in a complete PKI, therefore only the most important are mentioned here:

Certificates and private keys

Certificates are the means in a PKI to assure authentication. The identity of the certifi­cate owner is approved by a CA by signing the certificate request of the respective owner. The public and private keys are used to encrypt/decrypt data and therefore as­sure data confidentiality.

Certification Authority (CA)

A Certification Authority is a component in a PKI which assures authenticity of the par­ticipating entities by signing certificate requests (i.e. issuing certificates). Usually there are multiple CAs in a PKI organized in a hierarchical structure with one root CA at the top.

CRL Distribution Points (CDP)

See the following section Certificate extensions.

Entities communicating with each other

The entities using a PKI use certificates to authenticate themselves and use the pub­lic/private key pairs to encrypt/decrypt the exchanged data. The entities request certif­icates from the CA. Usually a Registration Authority (RA) is also part of a PKI. The RA is responsible for the initial registration of entities that would like to use the PKI. An RA is not required in the mdm usage scenario.

Contents of a certificate

As mentioned in the previous chapter a certificate contains the following information:

the public key of the entity

information about the entity, e.g. the name and/or the IP address

further information, e.g. about the certificate and the infrastructure

The following sections explain the contents in more detail.

The Subject Distinguished Name

The Subject Distinguished Name is a unique identifier of the certificate and its owner. It is composed of several components:





Common Name

Identifies the person or object owning the certificate. For example: CN=server1


E-mail Address

Identifies the e-mail address of the owner.


Organizational Unit

Identifies a unit within the organization. For example: OU=Research&Develop­ment



Identifies the organization. For example: O=Innominate



Identifies the place where the entity re­sides. The locality can e.g. be a city: L=Berlin



Identifies the state. For example: ST=Berlin



Two letter code identifying the country. For example: C=DE (for Germany)

Depending on your policy, not all of the components are mandatory, but if the extension Subject Alternative Name is not included in the certificate, at least one component that can be used as identifier has to be included, typically this is the Common Name (CN). Please note that currently the mdm CA cannot handle certificates with Subject Alternative Name ex­tensions.

Certificate extensions

Information about the certificate or the infrastructure is contained in the so called certificate extensions. Basically anyone can define its own extensions, but the standard extensions (X.509version3) are defined in RFC 3280 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - Certifi­cate and CRL Profile. Here is a short description of the extensions that are important for the mdm CA:

Critical Bit

The Critical Bit is not an extension but used to force the usage of extensions in the cer­tificate. The Critical Bit can be set for any extensions in the certificate. Applications ver­ifying a certificate must be able to interpret an extension with the Critical Bit. If the ap­plication is not able to interpret the extension, the certificate must be rejected.

Basic Constraints

The Basic Constraints extension is used to indicate whether the certificate is a CA cer­tificate or not. Basic Constraints consists of 2 fields:

cA field of type BOOLEAN and

pathLenConstraint field (optional) of type INTEGER

For CA certificates the cA field must be set to true. pathLenConstraint is only used if the cA field is set to true and specifies the number of CA levels allowed below this certifi­cate. Basic Constraints should be always marked as critical.

Please refer to Chapter 9.2.3 for requirements regarding the Basic Constraints exten­sion.

Key Usage

Key Usage controls the intended use of the certificate’s corresponding keys. A key can be e.g. used to sign Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL), encrypt data or to sign certifi­cates.

Please refer to Chapter 9.2.3 for requirements regarding the Key Usage extension.

Subject Alternative Name

The extension Subject Alternative Name can be used to add more identifiers to the cer­tificate. Subject Alternative Name can contain e.g. e-mail addresses, domain names etc. It can be used as substitute for the Subject as well, which must be empty in this case. Please note that the mdm CA is currently not able to handle Subject Alternative Name extensions.

CRL Distribution Points (CDP)

Certificates can be revoked, e.g. if a private key was compromised or if it is no longer valid. Usually an application has to check whether a certificate is still valid, by checking the validity period and/or by retrieving revocation information from a CRL distribution point (CDP). To retrieve the information either Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) can be used or a dedicated protocol like OCSP. However, the certificate should contain the information, which CDP should be contacted.

Authority Information Access

Authority Information Access is not an X.509 standard extension, but an extension de­fined by the PKIX working group (http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.html). Authority Information Access contains information about the issuing CA, e.g. policies, further root certificates or where to retrieve the higher certificates in the chain, if the complete chain is not contained in the certificate.

Depending on the settings of these extensions the receiver (not the owner) of a certifi­cate accepts or denies the communication with the peer, thus preventing any misuse of certificates and creating a higher level of security.

9.2.1Create the CA certificates

Depending on your existing infrastructure the mdm CA needs the following certificates:

A self-signed root certificate (CArootCert) and the matching private key (CArootKey).

If you have another upstream (root) CA in place, there is no need to generate the root certificate and the matching private key.

The (self-signed) root certificate is distributed to all entities participating in the commu­nication. It is used by the entities to verify the authenticity of the communication peer and of any intermediate CAs in the certificate chain. The private key CArootKey is used to sign the self-signed root certificate.

A CA certificate (CAcert) and the matching private key (CAkey). This is the certificate used by the CA to authenticate itself to other entities. This certificate has to be signed with the root private key, i.e. either with CArootKey or with the key of your existing root CA. The private key CAkey is used to sign the certificate request sent by the mdm serv­er, i.e. it is used to issue certificates for the mGuards.

A template certificate (CAtemplCert) which is used by the CA as template when issuing end entity (mGuard) certificates.

Figure 9-1 shows the certificate hierarchy:



Figure 9-1: mdm CA certificate hierarchy

In the following it is assumed that there is no other root CA in place and that the mdm CA is used as root CA.




Important: Please keep the private key(s) at a secure location. In particular this is re­quired for the root CA’s private key.




It is recommended to create a working directory, e.g. called security in the mdm installa­tion directory, where all the certificates and keys created during the following process are located.

Create the root certificate

The following OpenSSL commands require input from the OpenSSL configuration file openssl.cnf (the directory where this file is located depends on your distribution, e.g. check in the directory /usr/ssl or /usr/lib/ssl). Instead of changing the standard configuration file of your OpenSSL installation, it is recommend to use the example configuration files provided in the mdm CA installation archive mdm-ca-1.11.x.zip and adapt those files to your needs. You can instruct OpenSSL to use the provided configuration files instead of the standard configuration file.

Adapt the OpenSSL configuration file

Please copy the file rootCert.conf provided in the installation archive
mdm-ca-1.11.x.zip to your working directory. Adapt the [ root_dn ] section of the file, which contains the Subject Distinguished Name of your root CA certificate:

[ root_dn ]


O= Innominate Security Technologies AG

OU= Research & Development

CN= Test Root CA

Please note also the [ root_ext ] section of the configuration file, which is important for the proper generation of the root certificate (please refer to Section Certificate extensions for an explanation):

[ root_ext ]

keyUsage= cRLSign, keyCertSign

basicConstraints= critical, CA:true, pathlen:1

Generate the private key

CArootKey has to be created first using the following command:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:rootPW
-out rootKey.pem 2048

Explanation of the arguments:




genrsa instructs OpenSSL to generate an RSA key.


Use AES256 to encrypt the key.

-passout pass:password

The password used to encrypt the private key (in the example: rootPW). rootPW is just an example and should be replaced by a secure password.

-out filename

Name of the file containing CArootKey (in the example: rootKey.pem).


The length of the key.

The command above generates one output file: rootKey.pem

This file contains CArootKey in PEM format. The key is encrypted with the AES256-algorithm. To access the key you have to know the passphrase specified above (in the example: rootPW). Please use your own, secure password to encrypt the private key.

Generate the root certificate

The OpenSSL command used to generate CArootCert is:

openssl req -batch -new -config rootCert.conf -x509
rootKey.pem -keyform PEM -passin pass:rootPW -sha256 -days 5479 -outform PEM -out rootCert.pem

Explanation of the arguments:




req instructs OpenSSL to generate a certifi­cate request (default) or a certificate.


Non interactive mode.


Create a new request or a new certificate.

-config filename

The name and the location of the openssl configuration file (in the example: root­Cert.conf).


Create a self signed certificate instead of a certificate request.

-key filename

The corresponding private key (in the exam­ple: rootKey.pem).

-keyform PEM

The private key is in PEM format.

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the private key (in the example: rootPW).



Use the SHA256 algorithm to create the mes­sage digest for the signature (recom­mended).

-days 5479

The period for which the certificate will be valid.

-outform PEM

The format of the output file is PEM.

-out filename

The name of the output file, i.e. the certificate (in the example rootCert.pem).

The command above generates one output file: rootCert.pem

This file contains the self-signed root certificate CArootCert.

Create the CA certificate

The intermediate CA certificate CAcert is not self-signed but will be issued (signed) by the root CA. Therefore you first have to create a private key and a corresponding certificate re­quest and then “send” this certificate request to the root CA. The root CA will in return issue CAcert.

First the configuration file has to be adapted to your needs, as described in the previous sec­tion.

Adapt the OpenSSL configuration file and the environment

Please copy the file caCert.conf contained in the installation archive
mdm-ca-1.11.x.zip to your working directory. Adapt the [ ca_dn ] section of the file, which contains the Subject Distinguished Name of your root CA certificate:

[ ca_dn ]


O= Innominate Security Technologies AG

OU= Research & Development

CN= Test CA

Please adapt also entries crlDistributionPoints and authorityInfoAccess of the [ ca_ext ] section of the configuration file (please refer to Section Certificate extensions for an explanation):

[ ca_ext ]



The configuration file contains some parameters, which cannot be entered on the command line. The entries specify files that have to be present in the file system. Therefore the files have to be created manually first (the filenames are also used in the configuration file ca­Cert.conf , therefore please use exactly the file names as stated below):

Create a subdirectory archive in your working directory
(Linux: mkdir ./archive)

Create a file named serial containing a valid serial number for the certificate in the sub­directory archive
(Linux: echo 1234 > archive/serial)

Create an empty file to be used as openssl database.
(Linux: touch archive/index.txt
Windows: copy NUL: archive/index.txt)

Generate a private key

The private key CAkey has to be created first using the following command:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:caPW -out caKey.pem 2048

Explanation of the arguments:




genrsa instructs OpenSSL to generate an RSA key.


Use AES256 to encrypt the key.

-passout pass:password

The password used to encrypt the private key (in the example: caPW). caPW is just an ex­ample and should be replaced by a secure password.

-out filename

Name of the file containing the private key (in the example: caKey.pem).


The length of the key.

This command generates one output file: caKey.pem

This file contains CAkey in PEM format. The key is encrypted with the AES256-algorithm. To access the key you have to know the passphrase specified above (in the example: caPW). Please use your own, secure password to encrypt the private key.

Generate a certificate request

To create a certificate request enter the following command:

openssl req -batch -new -config caCert.conf
-key caKey.pem -keyform PEM -passin pass:caPW -sha256
caCertReq.pem -outform PEM

Explanation of the arguments:




req instructs OpenSSL to generate a certifi­cate request (default) or a certificate.


Non interactive mode.


Create a new request.

-config filename

The name and the location of the openssl configuration file (in the example: ca­Cert.conf).

-key filename

The corresponding private key (in the exam­ple: caKey.pem).

-keyform PEM

The private key is in PEM format.

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the private key (in the example: caPW).


Use the SHA256 algorithm to create the mes­sage digest for the signature (recom­mended).

-outform PEM

The format of the output file is PEM.

-out filename

The name of the output file, i.e. the certificate (in the example caCertReq.pem).

The command above generates one output file: caCertReq.pem

This file contains the certificate request.

Request the CA certificate

The request has to be sent to the root CA. Since the mdm CA is the root CA in the example you can issue the certificate with the following command:

openssl ca -batch -config caCert.conf -days 3653
caCertReq.pem -cert rootCert.pem -keyfile rootKey.pem
-passin pass:rootPW -md sha256 -notext -out caCert.pem
-outdir .

Explanation of the arguments:




The ca command is a minimal CA application. It can be used to sign certificate requests and generate CRLs.


Non interactive mode.

-config filename

The name and the location of the openssl configuration file (in the example: ca­Cert.conf).

-days 3653

The period for which the certificate will be valid.

-in filename

The name of the file containing the certificate request (in the example: caCertReq.pem).

-cert filename

The name of the file containing the root certif­icate (in the example: rootCert.pem).

-keyfile filename

The name of the file containing the key used to sign the certificate request (in the example: rootKey.pem).

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the private key (in the example: rootPW).

-md sha256

Use the SHA256 algorithm to create the mes­sage digest for the signature (recom­mended).


openssl has an option to include human read­able, explanatory text in the certificate. But this would create problems later in the pro­cess when creating the keystores, therefore do not include any text in the certificate.

-outdir directoryName

The output directory (in the example the cur­rent working directory “.”).

The command above generates one output file: caCert.pem

This file contains CAcert.




The file caCertReq.pem is not required any more and should be deleted.


Create a certificate tem­plate

The purpose of the CA is to issue certificates. To do so the CA needs instructions how the certificates to be issued should look like, e.g. which extensions should be included. This can be accomplished by providing the CA with a certificate template (CAtemplCert). CAtemplCert is a certificate issued by the CA. To issue a certificate you first have to adapt an OpenSSL con­figuration file again.

Adapt the OpenSSL configuration file

Please copy the file templateCert.conf contained in the installation archive
mdm-ca-1.11.x.zip to your working directory. Adapt the entries crlDistribution­Points and authorityInfoAccess of the [ template_ext ] section of the configuration file (please refer to Section Certificate extensions for an explanation):

[ template_ext ]






Please note that the configuration file templateCert.conf expects files to be existent that have to be manually created. (see previous section Create the CA certificate, subsection Adapt the OpenSSL configuration file and the environment).

Generate a private key

The private key has to be created first using the following command:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:caPW -out templateKey.pem 2048

Explanation of the arguments:




genrsa instructs OpenSSL to generate an RSA key.


Use AES256 to encrypt the key.

-passout pass:password

The password used to encrypt the private key (in the example: caPW). caPW is just an ex­ample and should be replaced by a secure password.

-out filename

Name of the file containing the private key (in the example: templateKey.pem).


The length of the key.

This command generates one output file: templateKey.pem

This file contains the encrypted private key.

Generate a certificate request

To create a certificate request enter the following command:

openssl req -new -batch -config templateCert.conf
-key templateKey.pem -keyform PEM -passin pass:caPW
-sha256 -outform PEM -out templateCertReq.pem

Explanation of the arguments:




req instructs OpenSSL to generate a certifi­cate request (default) or a certificate.


Non interactive mode.


Create a new request or a new certificate.

-config filename

The name and the location of the openssl configuration file (in the example: template­Cert.conf).

-key filename

The corresponding private key (in the exam­ple: templateKey.pem).

-keyform PEM

The private key is in PEM format.

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the private key (in the example: caPW).


Use the SHA256 algorithm to create the mes­sage digest for the signature (recom­mended).

-outform PEM

The format of the output file is PEM.

-out filename

The name of the output file, i.e. the certificate (in the example templateCertReq.pem).

The command above generates one output file: templateCertReq.pem

This file contains the certificate request.

Request the template certificate

The request has to be sent to the (intermediate) CA. You can sign the certificate request (is­sue the certificate) with the following command:

openssl ca -batch -config templateCert.conf -days 1826
-md sha256 -in
templateCertReq.pem -keyfile caKey.pem
-cert caCert.pem -passin pass:caPW -notext
templateCert.pem -outdir .

Explanation of the arguments:




The ca command is a minimal CA application. It can be used to sign certificate requests and generate CRLs.


Non interactive mode.

-config filename

The name and the location of the openssl configuration file (in the example: template­Cert.conf).

-days 1826

The period for which the certificate will be valid.

-in filename

The name of the file containing the certificate request (in the example: templateCer­tReq.pem).

-cert filename

The name of the file containing the root certif­icate (in the example: caCert.pem).

-keyfile filename

The name of the file containing the key used to sign the certificate request (in the example: caKey.pem).

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the private key (in the example: caPW).

-md sha256

Use the SHA256 algorithm to create the mes­sage digest for the signature (recom­mended).


openssl has an option to include human read­able, explanatory text in the certificate. But this would create problems later in the pro­cess when creating the keystores, therefore do not include any text in the certificate.

-outdir directoryName

The output directory (in the example the cur­rent working directory “.”).

The command above generates one output file: templateCert.pem

This file contains CAtemplCert. The file should be copied to its final destination, the location must be configured in ca-preferences.xml in the node certificateFactory » certTemplate.




The files templateCertReq.pem and templateKey.pem are not needed any more and should be deleted.

9.2.2Create the keystores

After following the steps described in Chapter 9.2.1 you should find the following files in your working directory:

This file contains CAtemplCert, signed with CAkey.

This file contains CAcert, signed withCArootKey.

This file contains CAkey.

This file contains the self-signed root certificate CArootCert.

This file contains the encrypted private root key CArootKey.

Some of those files have to be included in keystores. The installation archive mdm-ca-1.11.x.zip contains the (proprietary) java tool ImportKey in the demoCA directory which can be used to create and manage keystores. Please copy the file ImportKey.class to your work­ing directory.

First the intermediate CA certificate and the root certificate have to be merged into one file (create a certificate chain):

cat caCert.pem rootCert.pem > caCertWithChain.pem

Then the key caKey.pem has to be converted to PKCS#8 format and both CAkey and the certificate chain have to be included in a PKCS#12 keystore. This can be accomplished with the tool ImportKey. ImportKey does accept the (unencrypted) key on standard input only, therefore the output of the pkcs8 command has to be piped as follows:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in caKey.pem -passin pass:caPW
-inform PEM -nocrypt -outform DER |
java -cp .
ImportKey -alias ca -keystore ca-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -storepass pass:caPW -keypass pass:caPW
-chain caCertWithChain.pem

Explanation of the openssl arguments:




The pkcs8 command is used to process pri­vate keys in PKCS#8 format.


Use a traditional format private key as input and write a key in PKCS#8 format key.

-in filename

The name and the location of the input file (in the example: caKey.pem).

-passin pass:password

Password required to decrypt the input (in the example: caPW).

-inform PEM

The input format of the key is PEM.


The output (the key) is not encrypted.

-outform DER

The output format is DER.

Explanation of the ImportKey arguments:



-alias name

A keystore can contain multiple entries. The alias identifies the entry and therefore has to be unique in the keystore. Aliases are case-insensitive.

-keystore filename

The file containing the keystore (in the exam­ple: ca-keystore.jks).

-storetype JKS

Use JKS as format for the keystore.

-storepass pass:password

Password required to decrypt the contents of the keystore (in the example: caPW).

-keypass pass:password

Additional password required to decrypt the private key in the keystore.

-chain filename

The certificate chain including the root certifi­cate.

The command above generates one output file: ca-keystore.jks

This is the keystore for your CA containing the certificate chain and the private CA key. Please copy the keystore to its final destination.

The filename including the absolute or relative path of this keystore has to be con­figured in the ca-preferences.xml file in the node certificateFactory » keyStore.

The password to access the keystore (in the example caPW) has to be configured in the ca-preferences.xml file in the node certificateFactory » keyStorePassword.

The format of this keystore (Java KeyStore – JKS) has to be configured in the ca-preferences.xml file in the node certificateFactory » keyStoreType.

The password to access the private key (in the example caPW) has to be config­ured in the ca-preferences.xml file in the node certificateFactory » keyPassword.

The alias (ca) of the key has to be configured in the ca-preferences.xml file in the node certificateFactory » keyAlias.



9.2.3Requirements for certificates

For proper function of the VPN certificates also with future versions of the mGuard firmware and the mdm, the certificates have to satisfy the following requirements:

1.The private key should have a length of at least 1024 bits. Phoenix Contact recom­mends a key length of 2048 bits for long term security.

2.Any certificate must conform to RFC 3280.

3.Any CA certificate must contain a Basic Constraints extension marked as critical and with the boolean cA field set to true.

4.Phoenix Contact strongly recommends to include the pathLenConstraint field in any CA certificate's Basic Constraints extension. It must be set to one less than the number of descendant CA certificates. So for a typical scenario where a certification chain is made up of one root CA certificate, a single intermediate CA certificate and an end entity cer­tificate (VPN certificate in this case), the pathLenConstraint must be one (1) for the root CA certificate and zero for the intermediate CA certificate.

5.The template VPN certificate must have a Basic Constraints extension marked as crit­ical with the boolean cA field set to false and without a pathLenConstraint field.

6.Any CA certificate must contain a Key Usage extension marked as critical with the bit keyCertSign set. It is recommended to have the bit cRLSign set as well.

7.The template VPN certificate does not need to contain any Key Usage extension.

8.Any intermediate CA certificate must contain one or both of the extensions CRL Distri­bution Points and Authority Information Access, if it is planned to distribute revocation information online with a future release of the mdm and the mGuard firmware. The ex­tensions must be marked as non-critical. The former extension is required if it is intend­ed to use Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) in the future. The latter extension is required if it is intended to use the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP, see RFC 2560) in the future. Any of the extensions must contain HTTP URLs only.

9.The template VPN certificate should contain one or both of the extensions CRL Distri­bution Points and Authority Information Access, described above, if it is planned to dis­tribute revocation information online in the future. Alternatively, the mdm server can be instructed to include them within the certification request sent to the mdm CA. The latter is more flexible, because this way the location of the revocation information (CRL) re­spectively information service (OCSP) can be set for groups of devices or even for in­dividual devices.
Please note: If the template VPN certificate already includes any of the extension and the mdm is instructed to include it within the certification request as well, the extension from the request overrides the one found within the template. The issued certificate will contain the extension copied from the request.

10.The keystore containing the certificates has to contain the complete certificate chain up to and including the root certificate.